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Corbin Dallas
Thank you for posting this factual report!

posted by BrightIrish on November 18, 2005 at 2:00 PM | link to this | reply

By the Way, Corbin,

Did you used to be that "red man" guy, Two Toes or whatever his name was?--oh yeah, Twodog.  He was always saying "Do the research.  Do the research.  Give me evidence.  You never give me evidence."  If the evidence smacked him in the face with a lemon meringue pie, he wouldn't feel a thing.

Sorry, I don't know what your talking about?  But why do you guys on the left always go after the messenger....instead of the message....nice deflection....but still no facts.

posted by Corbin_Dallas on November 18, 2005 at 9:44 AM | link to this | reply


You mean again? 

You see this isn't the first time the Congressman has done this......the last time was just before the 2004 election, I believe standing next to John Kerry...but that wasn't a political move then either, was it?

posted by Corbin_Dallas on November 18, 2005 at 9:42 AM | link to this | reply

By the Way, Corbin,
Did you used to be that "red man" guy, Two Toes or whatever his name was?--oh yeah, Twodog.  He was always saying "Do the research.  Do the research.  Give me evidence.  You never give me evidence."  If the evidence smacked him in the face with a lemon meringue pie, he wouldn't feel a thing.

posted by Hemlocker on November 18, 2005 at 9:27 AM | link to this | reply

Isn't it funny how this works in both directions?  When trying to persuade others of our opponents' cluelessness and stupidity, a tendency to cherry pick the facts to support our own beliefs or opinions is difficult to avoid.  What do you think about the Dem's biggest hawk, Congressman Murtha of Pennsylvania, the ranking member of the military appropriations committee, a twenty-four year U.S. Marines veteran who voted for both Gulf wars with strong commitment, now labeling our adventure in Iraq an illusion, and saying it's not worth the loss of one more American life?

posted by Hemlocker on November 18, 2005 at 9:19 AM | link to this | reply

US Democrats may be ganging up on poor Georgie just because he's a Republican, but millions of people beyond the borders of the US (yes, there's a big world out here, y'know) are equally, if not more, anti-Bush, yet frankly don't give a rats ass which party he belongs to.

It's hard for you to imagine this, I'm sure..........but there are many millions of people inside the US border that doesn't give a rats arse about what the rest of the world thinks..........

The reality is, Bush has presided over the most corrupt "administration" in American history (against stiff competition!) and has been directly responsible for tens of thousands of deaths around the world.

Well, it's nice to see your "Opinion" on this......but I kind of like some evidence to be shown on your two ridiculous any?

It has everything to do with politics...plain and's been the same on each of the 30-40 charges unleashed by the left since GW took office and not one of them materialized into anything resembling reality.

Oh and I'd appreciate if you don't use the "F" word or any variation of it of my little rules, you see.    It's just that I was raised to believe that vulgarities are the main tools used by a weak mind.

posted by Corbin_Dallas on November 18, 2005 at 8:38 AM | link to this | reply

You Were...
...I assume, joking when you wrote,

"In the meantime, it is the Democratic priority to discredit the U.S. Commander in Chief, in time of war, simply because he's a Republican."

The US "Commander in Chief" (which IS a joke, for sure) is perfectly capable of discrediting himself, thank you very much.

US Democrats may be ganging up on poor Georgie just because he's a Republican, but millions of people beyond the borders of the US (yes, there's a big world out here, y'know) are equally, if not more, anti-Bush, yet frankly don't give a rats ass which party he belongs to.

The reality is, Bush has presided over the most corrupt "administration" in American history (against stiff competition!) and has been directly responsible for tens of thousands of deaths around the world.

He said it had nothing to do with oil, even though his family fortune is built on oil, and he then went and called it Operation Iraqi Liberation. Doh! Since then we've had Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, white phosphorous and so on and so on.

Your so-called Commander in Chief is presiding over a clusterfuck. The whole world knows it, and it has nothing to do with petty party squabbles.


posted by DamonLeigh on November 18, 2005 at 7:44 AM | link to this | reply


we should impeach GW -- or force a recall election -- the entire administration is illegitimate.

First,  impeachment is not going to happen.......

Second,  a recall election......LOL  Which constitution are you reading?  The California one??

Third.......I haven't heard the illegitimate thingy used since 2000....been up in your political attic digging through old trunks and boxes?  LOL

Which brings us full circle to the beginningof alll of this maddnes on your guys part......GW is illegitimate in your eyes, that's all that matters,  and even another 9-11 type tragedy wouldn't change that........

Good news for you though......he'll never beat your weak, cowardly candidates again.......he can't run.   You need to work at getting over it.

posted by Corbin_Dallas on November 18, 2005 at 6:52 AM | link to this | reply


You could witness some the politic's playing yesterday regarding the Dem/Lib with the former President bashing the war while within a few hundred miles of the troops..meanwhile Hillary sits poised appearingly to the center, having voted for the war..Good guy/bad guy routine...He is a complete idiot for making such a statement in war time while so close to US troops. As my memory recalls, this would not be the first time his mouth got him into trouble!

Everything great on this memory side, except I would like to add to something I believe I saw in your post yesterday..regarding  WW 2....It was brought to your attention from a fellow blogger that the US failed to engage in WW2 on the Euro front until after Pearl my memory recalls...Germany didn't invade the US in WW2..

You always have good and factual information..Nothing less could be expected from the protector of 5th element...

posted by Offy on November 18, 2005 at 6:48 AM | link to this | reply

Then I suggest you find make sweeping statements but never back them up with any have learned well from the LIBDem leadership........

posted by Corbin_Dallas on November 18, 2005 at 6:45 AM | link to this | reply

it's not a false charge
it has been voluminously documented
if I can find the article I read about a year or so ago, then I can name names -- the two CIA agents who refused to change their reports to support the administration's false charge of Iraqi WMD's -- and who got demoted and relocated to unlikeable jobs as a result.
there are specific occasions, specific names, specific charges.
the democrats -- their thing is that they see a way to make political hay -- that's the problem I have with them -- when it saw it politically advantageous to them, they "agreed" with the administration and the "pro-war" stance.
Now, they feel it is advantageous to oppose the administration, seeing that public opinion has swung against the president.
the administraton has been wrong and guilty of deception all along. It's just the Democrats that have changed -- in a way, just as deceptive.
can't really trust anybody
but the Dems seem to be the lesser of two evils right now.
we should impeach GW -- or force a recall election -- the entire administration is illegitimate.

posted by Xeno-x on November 18, 2005 at 6:43 AM | link to this | reply