Comments on So It seems I am having an anxiety attack

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Thanks so much for taking the time to send out some advice.  And I would say that I would agree with you a thousand percent on the exercise.  I have gotten into the habit of walking 6-8 miles everyday.  And like you say, it is great therapy.  Sometimes I go ever farther.  Just powering through my shoes.  Lately though, it has been excessively hot, and well, I have trouble tolerating the heat.  Which disuedes me from walking. 

I haven't been on a serious romp stomp walk in about a week!  It could very well be that the stress I am experiencing with this whacked out mind attack is because I have not been letting off steam via excercise...

I appreciate the enlightenment....Tell me what else you know...

posted by mysteria on October 5, 2005 at 9:20 PM | link to this | reply


One of the things I am learning right now is that there really are nice people in the world.  Ones that have your best intentions at agendas, ulterior motives, just human kindness and genuine heart, which is equal to love.

I know because before I got so sick and consequently so very naricisstic and self centered, I was the most givng person I knew.  What I loved to give was encouragement and rally up tons of enthusiasm.  Whenever I would find a lonely, sad, disenchanted, or bitter heart, it would be my mission to show the lost soul how beautiful the world really is.  I see, it is like now I am being returned the favor. 

Nice how that works. 

Thanks Cosy so much for the information.  I really consume this type of insight...


posted by mysteria on October 5, 2005 at 9:16 PM | link to this | reply

Raaaaah!  So Sweet... I know without you having to tell me, you are hear MiaElla Lovely Bella...

posted by mysteria on October 5, 2005 at 9:08 PM | link to this | reply

I can see Blogit becoming a huge thing myself.  It has the potential to be great.  Lovin' the love in it! yeahyeah!

posted by mysteria on October 5, 2005 at 8:37 PM | link to this | reply

You might want to pick something up and throw it at me for suggesting this...haha....but anytime I find myself getting worked up about something, I go cycling or hiking, some kind of hard exercise.  It's not everybody's cup of tea, I know, but it seems to blast away the problem, or at least shrink it a lot.  Sometimes being able to put a finger on what's causing the anxiety helps, too.  In your case, it seems to be the upcoming art show.  Just visualize everyone giving you a standing ovation and carrying you around on their shoulders.  That sometimes works.  Plus it beats walking.  (It ain't always about exercise )

posted by Lensman on October 5, 2005 at 11:10 AM | link to this | reply


You keep on making me take these silly tests to try to find something to say to you! lol. Check your email. I took it based on my previous mentality...which was pretty darn negative so please know that isn't me now. Meds do work wonders, lol. My mood swings were lesser on the manic side and more on the other I'm guessing its a tad different for the end which truly gives you the suggestions. Love Cosy

P.S. Yes, writting away can do I usually just sink myself in the ambience of loud music, lol.

posted by cosy on October 5, 2005 at 8:16 AM | link to this | reply

I hope things have gotten better by now....sorry I didn't stop by earlier....much

posted by MiaElla on October 5, 2005 at 7:28 AM | link to this | reply

It gladen my heart that my articles in your opinion are helping to raise awareness of other parts of the world. In my humble opinion, I think that way how and what blogit is meant for. Thank you very much for reading.

posted by Flame-thrower on October 5, 2005 at 1:00 AM | link to this | reply


I am working through all kinds of approaches.  People always tell me not to give up.  To keep trying.  They tell me it is so worth it.  I would agree.  It is just that I seem to have been so patient and well, I am so used to being weird, I'm afraid I won't recognize myself if I do get well...  Clearly neurotic.  I take it back...but really there probably is some truth there.

It is nice to know that I have the tranquilizers.  You know when yoga and meditation and the other stuff fails.

Thanks a lot for your message and encouragement.  Tis very well received

posted by mysteria on October 4, 2005 at 9:22 PM | link to this | reply

I have been there done that so many times! I know how that feels. taking Omega acids are suppose to help as well as vitamin B but I can't rememeber if it's B6 or B 12.  I finally had to do counseling and then resorted to medication for mine. It was beyond control. I hope you figure out what works for you!

posted by jojostar on October 4, 2005 at 7:42 PM | link to this | reply


Your thoughts and sweet gestures are sought after remedies...Thanks Masky DollFace

posted by mysteria on October 4, 2005 at 7:31 PM | link to this | reply

Mysteria...go to a happy place. GO TO A HAPPY PLACE.

Find your center...breath in, breath out.  Focus, Focus.  Stand up slowly.  Sit down fastly.

Am I helping at all?  I've never had an anxiety attack but thought maybe distracting you would help.  Are you still breathing?

posted by Masky on October 4, 2005 at 6:21 PM | link to this | reply