Comments on Neurosis likes lots of attention and can be thought of

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I feel a warm hug NiCe!  I love the encouragement I find here.  When I first got going on the blog, I knew it would be like this... Very theraputical interaction method.  My friends are here all the time...

I hope I can be of something of an inspiration to you.  I like to share.

posted by mysteria on October 4, 2005 at 12:24 AM | link to this | reply


Man, You know how to treat a bro...I am feeling grace all over the place  It rises from Cosys footsteps... I am happy wittness to a resurgence of the most highest love lately.  I am lucky.  Thanks so much for the stuff on understanding myself and my odd behaviors.  Them being odd isn't what troubles me...I am troubled by all the whys...When I can find answers into the reasons that cause my confusion, I am most elated.  Very cool sharing...(coSy) yum!

posted by mysteria on October 4, 2005 at 12:21 AM | link to this | reply

You're working through the process.  Some of us work it out by ourselves (that's always been my method) and some work it out in the company of others.  You're spending time by yourself at this stage in your life, but I'm not sure it will always be that way because of what you said here:  "I strive to lose this attachment to self-inflicted loneliness."   Keep telling us about it, though.  Blogit is great that way.  You can be close to people here without sacrificing your aloneness. 

posted by Lensman on October 3, 2005 at 7:06 PM | link to this | reply

Mysteria here's info about this thing we share in common: lengthy sorry

"By having your unconscious mind driven most by Self-protection, it appears that you've developed a kind of shield to keep you from either experiencing or expressing strong emotions. This barrier might have formed due to some hurtful situation in your past, or perhaps it's simply your way of minimizing discord and pain. Because of this trait, you can typically keep your cool during arguments. As a result, you're not likely to say hurtful things that you'll have to apologize for later. Unlike many people, you're not normally one to fly off the handle. In fact, people with a heightened drive for self-protection often shy away from conflict and can become a bit numb toward others when forced into confrontational situations. As one with this unconscious drive, you might find that you tend to intellectualize emotional issues rather than becoming upset or overwrought. This can be a way of distancing yourself from painful feelings.

Self-protection is a coping technique that can be helpful to you at times when you're forced to deal with distressing incidents like arguments, breakups, or loss. However, by not fully expressing your emotions in sad times, you might forget to express them in happy ones. People who become emotionally shutdown risk missing out on life's upside. In tough times, try to remember that you're likely stronger and more resilient than you give yourself credit for. By being willing to fully engage in the good and bad of life, you can give each day more depth, meaning, and color. "

P.S. There's more where that came from if you want it email me...with love Cosy btw it reads "unconscious mind is driven most by self-protection. Come out and play with me

posted by cosy on October 3, 2005 at 2:26 PM | link to this | reply

  <----  that's what you just gave me.  XO!

posted by Masky on October 3, 2005 at 12:30 PM | link to this | reply

Thanks for being a grand ally... and please do feel free to wrap your wings tattered or not, around me.. I'll give you a great big bat hug back

posted by mysteria on October 3, 2005 at 12:27 PM | link to this | reply

I like vampires...reign on, my friend...reign on.

And I like that you like your own company.  You are on a journey of self discovery, my friend.  And, I happen to dig it. 

I have ventured out of my cave and me tiny little wings are unfortunately in the hunter's lens.  If he should tear or tatter one of my wings, do you have room for a fellow flyer???? 

posted by Masky on October 3, 2005 at 12:03 PM | link to this | reply