Comments on Mayhem in the 125 class.

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I can't blame you, my dire prediction is someone is going to be killed during one of these shows and it would make me sick to see it.  However it is quite the spectacle when all goes right.

posted by food4thought on October 5, 2005 at 9:55 PM | link to this | reply

Just thought I'd let you know -
because you have an interest in this area, that the Crusty Demons are coming to town. It's caused such an uproar because they are going to use our national standard football/cricket ground for their tricks. Apparently a layer of something (tarp, foam something to stop the grass being ripped up) will be laid on top to prevent damage. Anyway, there'll be bike action galore on the night and it looks like a sell-out. Nope, not going so can't give you more info - I get too worried about some of the tricks and would hate to see a crash!

posted by littlemspickles on October 5, 2005 at 3:30 PM | link to this | reply