Comments on Stupid Annoying Thing #15

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From Bunny to Mysteria
First I had to fix some stupid annoying medical problems. I've probably written about them!

Then I had to Not Eat Fun Stuff. Ya know, I like vegetables and I love fruit, but they are not a substitute for french fries and mayonnaise.

But in order to lose a bunch of weight and keep it off at my age, just exercising doesn't cut it. You have to lay off the french fries and mayonnaise, especially together. I count calories and I cut fat. Everyone is into counting carbs, but it's easy to count carbs. Cake: no. Pie: no. Dinner roll: no. Anyone with a brain cell can see which carb calories are empty.

But fats are sneaky. Fats ambush you. They're everywhere, hiding in your salad dressing. You have to look for them and make them DIE! DIE! DIE!

Once I started horseback riding three times a week, that really tipped the scales for me. Tipped the scales, get it? A diet funny!

I think it's a combination of the actual riding, the walking around the stable and taking care of the horses. You automatically build muscle, and the more muscle you have, even if it's one pound more -- it's true, I swear! -- the more calories you burn at rest.

So I was lifting weights twice a week, but ever since my MAJORLY ANNOYING auto accident a month ago (not my fault!) I haven't lifted.

But I am getting a whole lot of carido because I've joined my husband's speed skating team. I go to practice twice a week. Former readers who have hopefully joined me again may remember that I used to jam skate a few times a week. This burns waaaaay more calories!

I was also swimming regularly, but I'm riding instead now.

So that's how I did it!

posted by Bunny on January 27, 2006 at 10:11 PM | link to this | reply

Tell'd ja lose a buncha weight?

posted by mysteria on January 26, 2006 at 10:09 PM | link to this | reply