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Blogit Team
My whole point to my comment was that it seems to me--from the very beginning of my time here--that customer service is not one of your priorities.  As such, I think that prospective customers should and would like to know this before they pay money to join up.  I sure would have liked to know that.

posted by Jemmie211 on May 3, 2005 at 5:17 AM | link to this | reply


As stated in the Q&A, the answer is "no".

Thank you.

Blogit Team

posted by BlogitStaff on April 29, 2005 at 9:54 AM | link to this | reply

We're not going to do the wrong thing simply because some members disagree with our decision or make threats against Blogit.
The rules are in place to protect everyone, not just those who are aggressive or have vocal friends.
If you wish to tell others how we stood by our rules because we believed it was right, even when it would have been easier for us to give in, please feel free.
Regarding your post from early 2003, Blogit was brand new at the time, and there were different standards in place. We're not even sure your post would be moved to MA if it were posted today. As we're sure you know, this is not a moderated site and we don't monitor every post -- we can't.
Thank you.

Blogit Team

posted by BlogitStaff on April 29, 2005 at 9:54 AM | link to this | reply

I don't feel cheated by Blogit, but I have a different set of expectations.

Every time I've been disappointed it has been with the other members. The only "cheating" I've seen going on is when people try to spam, or choke up the search features wiht distlists, or try to use Blogit as nothing but an advertisement.

(I'd be more hypocritical than ususal if I were to bemoan the lack of "writing", because I don't write here anymore!

At least, not until I feerl like it).

I expect to be able to boot up, click on, check my blogs' new comments, scan the posts and comments for my nom de blog,read my favorites, occasionally scanfor some new folks to read, and eat my granola bar with hot coffee. I like to hear about the other members' soap opera with Blogit, but it isn't essential...although I apparently like getting in the mix, judging by my comment counts this last three days!

What I don't want is spam, features being choked by misuse, system failures due to short, the sort of caca de toro some people seem to feel free to toss when they are faceless, namneless, and paying their monthly dues.

He-e-ey...did Blogit hire you guys to make this more interesting?!


PS: To my fellow commenters below: nice to see Jem's still around! I'm seeing n ames I haven't seen in a long time!

posted by majroj on April 29, 2005 at 9:30 AM | link to this | reply

I agree with roofpig

Your "FAQ" about booting someone from Blogit did not answer roofpig's questions at all.  Plus it was very robot-like.  I feel now, as I have felt MANY, MANY times in the past, that you guys don't care in the least about your current members and their concerns, feelings, desires, needs, etc.  This dates all the way back to my very first post in a blog which you guys immediately moved over into Mature Audiences.  You told me I posted something that was not appropriate for the general community, but you did not tell me what exactly that something was.  I have also seen posts in the general areas of Blogit (not MA) that are much more sexual and use much worse language than my own post, yet you do not move those posts to MA.  I have even asked about this before but got no response.

Perhaps we, as the Blogit community who feel cheated by you, the "Blogit Team," should go to the very press you have gone to and tell them how horrible your customer service is.  Perhaps then we'll all get some answers--not just in relation to Whammie, but to all of our questions and concerns.

posted by Jemmie211 on April 29, 2005 at 8:13 AM | link to this | reply

This does not in any way, shape, or form address the problems that I stated to you in my email.  Expect another one from me.

posted by roofpig on April 29, 2005 at 7:13 AM | link to this | reply

The only real question that many of us have is this::::

Is there any possibility of Shaycom being flexible enough to listen to the people (bloggers) and make an attempt to try to resolve this in a manner that is suitable to all involved?

C'mon Blogit, this place was built on the very best of what the 1st Amendment and the term "freedom of speeech" was built upon. We all understand that rules are rules. But given the issue and the outcry and if nothing else, in the name of good busineess sense; wouldn't it make better business sense to re-evaluate this situation and try to come to a more "common ground" solution for all involved?

I am not trying to be one sided about it, but even the most foolish business people would stop and think about it. wouldn't they? And I assume you are far from dumb; probably the exact opposite. On of our most popular bloggers, scriber, came up with a very viable and workable solution

Maybe a one-month suspention or something like that, which would certainly send a clear message to all concerned; yet still show some flexibilty on your part.

If you can just answer that very 1st question on top, then maybe we can move along and get back to all our lives. Again, just give us a simple YES or NO. If it's yes, then we can maybe move forward. If it's an absolute no, well then we will all have to just learn to live with that, as tough as it may seem.

Please know that our intent is to not create a mob scene here, screaming and threateneing for what we want. We are adults and want to handle this in an adult fashion.

But: We are real people asking real questions about a real issue involving real people.

Please give us a real answer.

Thank you!

posted by David1Spirit on April 29, 2005 at 7:04 AM | link to this | reply