Comments on Post Partem Depression?

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Two more things
  1. My oldest is 13 and still experiences jealousy of his toddler siblings.  In other words, if you wait until the other kids are ready, you may be too old to not only have more children but to remember which end to feed.
  2. After the age of 35, your chances of having twins goes up 10 fold, regardless of fertility drugs or genetic disposition. 

posted by Whim on January 8, 2005 at 12:27 PM | link to this | reply


I think there is a time for many women when their youngest reaches a certain age and it triggers 'more babies' pheramones. It's hard to resist.

I liked your pros and cons list. Perhaps looking at what it is about having babies that you like would also help. And when, taking everything and everyone else into account, would be the optimum time for considering another. My cousin had 5 children each at one or two year intervals. It wasn't easy and she had loads of problems, but she just loved all that having a baby, rather than a child, meant. Now she's a granny and still loves it all - but can hand them back when she wants too!! Best wishes for the future.

posted by englishwoman on January 8, 2005 at 12:22 PM | link to this | reply

Starr, Good honest sharing! God work.

posted by kingmi on January 7, 2005 at 1:50 PM | link to this | reply

Good work
Listing pros and cons is such a valuable exercise, isn't it? I sympathize with you. My husband never understood either. Only mothers can know how much we sometimes yearn for more children. They are so precious, and they add so much to our lives. I finally talked my man into having just one more, and guess what.... we got twins! Isn't life funny?

posted by sheilake on January 7, 2005 at 1:26 PM | link to this | reply