Comments on Why Can’t We All Just Get Along? A Message to These Pretty Bloggers!

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This is something

Females can be very cruel...I have som many prombles self cenetr chics..This was a great read..

posted by Charnell_Lanay on April 12, 2015 at 2:36 PM | link to this | reply

Worrywort, I understand. But at least it's HER world.
She's unique. She doesn't follow the crowd. Many girls would kill for naturally blonde hair, but she chooses the look that makes her feel like, well, her. I think it's great. She may outgrow this phase, but I say you're raising a girl who is her own person and listens to her own mind. Good for her. And good for you, too.

posted by SpitFire70 on February 7, 2005 at 10:09 PM | link to this | reply

venemousG, I know, I know!!

Men are great for that!

posted by SpitFire70 on February 7, 2005 at 10:04 PM | link to this | reply

So, so true

and as weird and kind of stupid as it sounds, gaining weight has taken the edge off.  Believe it or not.

It's my fat chastity belt.  I'm not competition.  I can be the good friend now because I'm fat and not competeing anymore.  Weird huh?

And for this very passive person, that's ok.  I hate competeing for EVERY single thing.  It fucking pisses me off. 

I really do think it's hard when your pretty or handsome.  Like my daughter's very good friend Mr. Oopy that I've talked about in some of my blogs.  This young man is literally "Boy-band" good looking.  He's so handsome.   This kid was Prom King and Validictorian [sp].  He was in all the bands in school, as a drummer and a heavy metal drummer that is really, REALLY good.  So of course his notority and popularity was incredible.  What responsibility for a kid.  I mean really.  And for a guy that is so sensitive like this guy.  Whew!

My baby, R, is good looking.  But then of course I think so.  But she doesn't think so.  She too, has swallowed her hurt or disappointments in life with food and so has a nice fat chastity belt going on.  R was thunder-struck by Mr. Oopy from her Sophmore year on.  He was a year ahead of her.  They became friends and R was totally lost.  Totally besotted by Mr. Oopy.  But like I've said in some of my other blogs, R has taken her childhood issues and formed her own way of dealing with things.  Because she was picked on early in her school years, she projected toughness.  Always a tom-boy, R prefers pants or jeans or now slacks.  And R has taken on dressing Gothic.  She wears little color, only black.  R has been dressing this way since her Sophmore year in high school.  So imagine the star-crossed hopelessness of her liking Mr. Oopy, the most popular guy in school, and her being the only gothic kid in school and chunky to boot.

R is pretty, but she hides her looks I think.  Shuns her blonde hair and dyes it black.  I don't mind her make-up, most of the time, as long as it's just black eye-liner.  I do hate it when she makes herself up and she looks more like a corpse then alive or a Crack addict.  And R prefer's black band t-shirts and black slacks and her Doc-Martins to anything else.  R is smart, funny, quick witted, and snappy with a come back.  She wants the world to accept her for how she looks and how she is, and judge who she is not how she looks.  But unfortunately that's not the real world is it?


posted by worrywort on February 6, 2005 at 11:54 PM | link to this | reply

Never mind what those jealous crones say. We guys always appreciate a beautiful woman!!!!!

posted by venemousgeorge on January 7, 2005 at 7:16 PM | link to this | reply

Good for you HolyG! 35 lbs is a lot to lose. Hard work!
And it's always great to get better with age. I think it makes us wiser and empathetic to experience anything from both sides, ya know?

posted by SpitFire70 on January 1, 2005 at 4:29 PM | link to this | reply

It works the other way too, though.  Having been a bit of a "late bloomer" myself, I've seen both sides.  The pretty thin girls in high school (and in real life) can be very snotty and catty.  Some develop a real attitude and look down on those "less fortunate."  I see how differently people have treated me the last 4 years (better, nicer, more respectfully) since I lost weight, and I actually feel more angry than thankful.  And we're only talking 35 pounds! It's been interesting having been on both sides in one lifetime, though.  At least I'll get to say I look better at 40 than I did at 25!     

posted by Holy_Grail on January 1, 2005 at 4:20 PM | link to this | reply

Now, WHO couldn't like you, Whammie?
Yes, you are kewl. You're the Whamenator! Of course, it helps that ya know the Spitfire, too.  

posted by SpitFire70 on January 1, 2005 at 4:11 PM | link to this | reply

Spitfire, most of the women I work with do not like me very well.
Most of the men I work with, do!  Imagine that?  Many of them even ask me for "sexual advice" that they can take home to their wives, because they know that I am kewl.

posted by WHAMENATOR on January 1, 2005 at 3:55 PM | link to this | reply

Exactly, Sass.
I'm sure you've been there many times. It is hard enough to be a woman in a man's world, but to catch the crap from females too? It's a catch 22.

posted by SpitFire70 on January 1, 2005 at 3:50 PM | link to this | reply

How right you are on this one

Been there myself. It is a strange thing that occurs way more often then it should, but jealousy is a part of human nature, and as long as there are humans, there will be jealousy and beautiful women left out of great paying jobs.


posted by Sherri_G on January 1, 2005 at 3:12 PM | link to this | reply

Rach, funny thing is
I wonder if we could go back and change it, would we?  Ponder 

posted by SpitFire70 on January 1, 2005 at 2:46 PM | link to this | reply

Yep, it sucks...
If you are considered "pretty" people just assume certain things about you.  It sucks and it interferes with life on a lot of levels.  Thanks for the response, glad I inspired a post! 

posted by RachelAnna on December 31, 2004 at 2:14 PM | link to this | reply