Comments on Rain and hail and toys and songs and candles, my life

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you-look-fabulous and sound t hat way, too, when visiting my blog and
commenting. I love it when I can find just one thing to agree with when communicating with strangers. And now, we've almost agreed twice, when I know that we believe different things on other topics, so I am very pleased. Thanks for writing here.

posted by benzinha on November 1, 2004 at 9:04 AM | link to this | reply

attax, I'm just hoping that whoever wins the election, apologizes to us

all for having used or allowed the use of poison in the campaigning and then I want the loser to apologize, too.

T.v. networks used as Big Sticks, facts jumbled into madness and emotions whipped into a frenzy are not my idea of how to get the vote out, but I'm just a citizen and not a campaign manager, so what do I know?

 I have to dig through a three ton, delivered upon my lawn, chokingly stinky pile of  campaign crap to find my ballot tomorrow!

posted by benzinha on November 1, 2004 at 8:56 AM | link to this | reply

I know how you feel with the toys thing.  When people get badly hurt, we are not playing.  We should never play with other people's lives -- everyone should be fully aware that the outcome of anything called "play" will be harmless.

posted by TARZANA on October 30, 2004 at 8:18 AM | link to this | reply

How about that Kerry eclipse?

posted by attax on October 29, 2004 at 7:49 PM | link to this | reply

tely, I guess that my tummy hurts because I have been rich and I have

been poor and I felt about the same  being both. So, now I don't want what I had because I already had it and I kept what really mattered, not much, and really want for nothing but time, which more money might buy me, but not much else. 

I do miss travelling, though I've always travelled inexpensively, not a resort person, nor a cruise person, more a ,  "Let's get into the car and drive to Guatemala, eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and drinking water and wander around down there for a month, spending little, just listening and seeing mucho," kind of person.

San Martin de Porres was a best friend to Santa Rosa de Lima in Peru. He was half black, the son of a servant and an hidalgo, learned medicine and helped the slaves and poor and begged to become a monk and was finally accepted  because of his good works. He is always shown with a cat, dog and little mouse next to him and a broom and holds a cross. He lived humbly, though he could have lived differently. His father didn't recognize him until he became well known in Lima and all of Peru for his saintly deeds, though he did eventually pay for some of his medicinal learning. I like any saint who has a dog and cat and mouse as attributes and the broom, one of my favorite personal tools.

Shopping is a sign of depression and avoidance of important issues ( ie. buy a new fur coat rather than ask your hubby if he is having an affair), I know, I used to have 85 (giving away that many each year, too) pairs of shoes and enough clothing for eight women and twelve pairs of roller skates and enough food in the pantry for eight Mormon households. Not anymore. Now when depressed, I just sit.

If I won the Lottery, I would build myself the most fabulous studio in town and work day and night, on  one thousand different projects because I would have all the art supplies available to a woman of means. Then I'd build an art factory in Rocky Point, Mexico and give it to the workers once I had taught them how to use it and maintain it, selling things in the USA and gathering recylables in trucks to cart down there from here. I find that I 'do poor' much more happily than I ever 'did rich'.

An  idle life made me insane. I prefer to work. My super rich friends just travel and shop and complain about wines and airline services and their children. Not stimulating enough for me, I fear. I hate to shop now. 

posted by benzinha on October 28, 2004 at 11:45 PM | link to this | reply

Martin de Porres? I haven't heard of that one. Yes, I guess I'm making up for all of those months of looking at shops and licking the windows as the French would say...

posted by telynor on October 28, 2004 at 11:01 PM | link to this | reply

(Snort) Hardly!
Like herding cats...

posted by majroj on October 28, 2004 at 9:28 PM | link to this | reply

and maj, you're the choir master, baton waving, metronome ticking.

posted by benzinha on October 28, 2004 at 12:23 PM | link to this | reply

beachbelle, no one has to, they sit on the stoves by themselves and

burn, baby, burn with hope and love and blessings for bloggers, family, pets and presidents and incumbents and dark horses and front runners and every one of us. They even burn for Honduran presidents and prisoners in Solano prison and children everywhere, even in Australia and Canada.

I'm hugging you to my side and you're hugging Wiley at yours and a line of bloggers goes out from either side of us and we are all singing, together now, "We are the World, we are the children....."

posted by benzinha on October 28, 2004 at 12:21 PM | link to this | reply

ca88andra, just invite some friends and family over, put on some music
and clean each other's houses while dancing and laughing. It is pretty much a free and informal thing to do and it feels so good before, during and afterwards. Thanks for your comments. Now, go make some invitations!

posted by benzinha on October 28, 2004 at 12:16 PM | link to this | reply

jemmie, I forget many things in life, but the phrase, "Keep Hope Alive" has

stuck somewhere in the front of my mind and so, I repeat and repeat it and try to do it, even as I watch Hope stretched out in a hospital bed and bleeding from the neck, vital signs crashing and doctors shaking their heads in resignation over their charts.

Some things are all that we have and Hope, most days, is mine.

My sisters are quite big bootied and old, but they remember their 'hot' days of youth and dance as though this were still that time. It was absolutely hysterical and we laughed at the attempts at pole dancing, etc. until some pee'd their pants. Some people don't like their sisters and that kills me, because I am so blessed with these goofy and loving and charming women that are mine, that I hurt for others who don't have this.

And, it's good for the grandchildren to see old people being sedately foolish and to laugh at them and with them. AND, to work with them. My window screens are all clean because of them and the dogs were entertained outside of the house all day by my grandson, and they didn't even miss me.

I remember my maternal grandmother having laughing, snorting, denture dislodging and face hurting attacks of hilarity and now I know we get it in her genes. Laughter heals.  So, do some Jemmie and  then do some more.

posted by benzinha on October 28, 2004 at 12:13 PM | link to this | reply

We'll be patient if you take care of your business first.
Speaking of business, I have twenty inmate/patients to chart on. Bye!

posted by majroj on October 28, 2004 at 10:35 AM | link to this | reply

No one can hold a candle to you my friend

posted by beachbelle on October 28, 2004 at 6:11 AM | link to this | reply

benzinha - I love your posts. You are so alive and so busy and I would love to be there with you singing badly and dancing energetically. Take care!

posted by Ca88andra on October 28, 2004 at 4:38 AM | link to this | reply

Yay! Abuelita Posted!

I've missed you!  Your posts are so positive and make me feel so full of hope.  I'm glad things are still going well for you!

*big hugs*

posted by Jemmie211 on October 28, 2004 at 3:46 AM | link to this | reply