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Thank you, jamryn
And I agree with you that threats have no place in civilized dealings. Having said that, however, I do think that a weaker president, such as I believe Kerry would be, would encourage terrists to increase their attempts. There is no guarantee that there will not be attacks even when Bush resumes office, but I think it is more likely to happen with Kerry, if only slightly more. The terrorists hate us and really don't care who is in office. They would, I believe, have more opportunities with Kerry.

Now, I do wish Bush would be more strict about our borders and start checking more containers coming into our country; he should spend money on things that actually help, rather than so many of the "feel-good" policies now in place under the Bush administration.

posted by archiew on September 15, 2004 at 9:17 AM | link to this | reply

My apoligies

 Comming on that strong was never my intent.  I think the key phrase was Chenny's  comment about terrests attacking  if Kerry's elected.  That to me sounds like a threat in it's self. Not  cool for someone wanting re election. It sounded like he had prilliged information.  When you repeated the statement on the 12th of September - the whole message came accrost as dictorship.

For many years people have been told they are stupid - can't think for themselves. Since 9/11  people are very sensitive to any  hint of any type of threats.  I'm sorry that it carried over to you and your blog. That was not my intent.

posted by jamryn on September 15, 2004 at 8:05 AM | link to this | reply

Where did all that anger come from, jamryn?
jamryn, I'm not sure what brought on that tirade, but I know I have not said you nor anyone else could not vote for whomever you choose to vote. Neither have I attempted to correct any of your spelling or grammatical errors; I addressed your points, which, as I have noted, I believe to be totally wrong. Do I not have that right to voice my opinion in opposition to yours?

Your behaviour is an example of the desperation and frustration Kerry supporters are feeling, and I can understand that, but, at least try not to foster irrelevant and false charges against me.

I'll let CCNEWS respond for himself, as he is well able to do, but let me add that I have not seen him do any of the things you accuse him of either. He, too, sticks to the issues and does not go off an personalities, as you have done. That attack on the messenger is a sure sign that you feel you have no more facts to add to the discussion, and I accept your admission of defeat in the support of Kerry.

posted by archiew on September 14, 2004 at 7:40 AM | link to this | reply


ARCHIEW and CCNEWS ( note here - feel free if you must - to pick apart my spelling  and grammer errors - everyone knows - DYSLEXICS  are a bunch of oddballs )

Who died and made you 2 God? You are still missing the point.  This is a free and democratic nation.  Last i checked - we have the power of free choice.  Free to choose and vote for whome ever we want.

cc - i'm wondering if those great ideas  havent burned a hole cleen through your brain. All you seam to be hearing is the wind whisseling through. It's not Kerry  but BUSHIE BABBY  thats doing the bashing and not offering.

Now  since i've  established  ( in your GOD like minds)  that i'm the odd man out. Now that we are no longer allowed a choice in ANYTHING. Please - please - please tell me oh GODS - ARCHIEW and CCNEW  what is the exact  definition of   - - - Mis information  - - - and why i have it and not YOU  TWO. 

posted by jamryn on September 14, 2004 at 6:14 AM | link to this | reply

You are correct, ccnews
Kerry has nary a plan in his cavernous cranium.

posted by archiew on September 14, 2004 at 2:57 AM | link to this | reply

Not so, jamryn
You continue to spew misinformation.

posted by archiew on September 14, 2004 at 2:56 AM | link to this | reply

I like the 'naught' part. Nice touch.

Yes, you're absolutely correct.  Kerry runs down our country, our current situation and he's beat up on our allies, calling them coerced and bribed.  Imagine Bush saying similar things about Kerry supporters! 

Anyways, it's no way for a presidential candidate to behave.  He should offer an alternative plan for the future.  Just yesterday he blasted Bush for the problems in N. Korea.  When asked by the NYT what he would do differently than Bush Kerry replied, "I can't say,  I don't speak in hypotheticals.'

What a crock!  Everything that is said in a campaign is framed in terms of hypotheticals.  """I would lower taxes given the current state.... I would raise taxes given our....  I would form alliances in the region of N. Korea and work on a containment policy similar to Truman's...."""

Kerry is too used to bashing and not offering.  Too used to taking the spot light by running others down that he fears coming up with ideas.  He's a man without ideas.  He has two decades in the Senate but no initiatives bear his name.  Heck, I've got 10 ideas burning a hole in my brain right now.  If I were a Senator I'd be all over the map with ideas, proposals and the like, there's a lot to be done and Kerry has nothing to show for his time in the senate.  And as bad as he's done, he still refuses to give up his job to run for Prez.  He's not even confident about his chances, why should his supporters be?

Good piece, archiew.


posted by itisdone on September 13, 2004 at 7:07 PM | link to this | reply


 of ignoring a main point.  Bush's statement of uniting a confused and fearfull population into one stronger and safer country.  It still sounds like a major threat to me( and i would bet i'm not the only one)  that the mention of more attacks and more powerfull attacks are comming - unless we cercum to a single point of view.  That in it's self sounds like a dictatorship.  When did we become a country under a dictatorship?   It must have been 4 years ago - aftrt the majority voted for Gore - and so angered the royal Bush soverenty - that they had to BUY their way in to the dictatorship by paying off the SURPREM COURT.

BEWARE - people we no longer need to vote.  OUR VOTES  WILL NEVER COUNT AGAIN. Soverenty King Bush and the rest of the clan will rule forever - forever - forever

posted by jamryn on September 13, 2004 at 12:14 PM | link to this | reply

Not so, jamryn , that is false.
The weapons ban was ineffective in that it did nothing to stop criminals from owning weapons; it stopped law-abiding citizens from owning weapons. The Assault weapons ban was a farce, since the description of an assault weapon was largely cosmetic and had nothing to do with the dealiness of the weapon. It was a "fuzzy feel-good law" to placate liberals and anti-gun people while accomplishing nothing to add to their tangible safety.

And, yes, terrorists are more likely to attack with the likes of Kerry/Edwards in office than with the likes of Bush/Cheney.

posted by archiew on September 12, 2004 at 1:57 PM | link to this | reply

And Bush's plan for the safe keeping of this country is..........

To allow every Tom - Dick - Harry and all the other drug dealers, street gang members and terrorist to go out tommorow and pick up a a few rapid fire, close-quater weapon made specificaly for shooting at human beings?  Oo to over run at the mouth as to how he is going to unite this country - as one - while his golden boy choice for Vice President clearly threatens us all by saying  " YOU BETTER VOTE FOR US - BECAUSE IF YOU VOTE FOR THE WRONG CHOICE  - WE WLLL BE ATTACKED BY TERRORISTS AGIN - AND THIS TIME IT WILL BE WORSE"

Yep that sounds like a great plan to make us all feel safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted by jamryn on September 12, 2004 at 12:22 PM | link to this | reply

Bush has a plan
and has been carrying it out very well. Note that I will be voting Libertarian, but if my choice were only the Bush camp or the Kerry camp, Bush would win by far. Kerry is a worthless political slut who, in his many years in the Senate, has done absolutely nothing to push our country forward, domestically or internationally.

Again, Bush is not my first choice, but he is infinitely bwetter than Kerry or Edwards.

posted by archiew on September 12, 2004 at 9:12 AM | link to this | reply

Kerry is for...
...Kerry. Bush is for Bush. Neither of them has a plan worthy of the name. America is going down the toilet, which would be fine if it wasn't for the fact she'll likely take a substantial part of the world down with her.

Very sad.


posted by DamonLeigh on September 12, 2004 at 8:42 AM | link to this | reply