Comments on Do You Have A Phobia?

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You're not alone (no kidding intended).  I, too, hated to eat alone and hated to go out alone.  The only time I ever liked to be alone was in my room when I was studying.

posted by Jemmie211 on June 30, 2004 at 7:55 PM | link to this | reply

I have a phobia about loneliness
When I was working on my bachelor's degree, I had to have someone to sit with at every meal (I lived on campus). I don't know why I was so computlsive about that, either - I looked like Piglet from the Peanuts comic half the time.

posted by kidnykid on June 30, 2004 at 12:04 PM | link to this | reply


posted by Jemmie211 on June 29, 2004 at 2:39 AM | link to this | reply

I just scrolled down to catch up with lots of interesting stuff. Very good entertainment.

posted by mariantonia on June 29, 2004 at 1:11 AM | link to this | reply

I have a phobia

about waking up once I'm dead.  I don't want them to bury me, because I'm afraid I'll wake up in the coffin, but I don't want to be cremated, because I definately don't want to wake up in an incinerator (or however that's spelled).

posted by lackadaisial on June 25, 2004 at 9:28 AM | link to this | reply

That's scary!  I get really scared when there's thunder at night.  I'm one of those people who lie in bed counting the seconds between the flash and the noise.  I terrorize myself.  But I don't think I am to the phobic stage yet--even though I never get any sleep if a thunderstorm happens at night.  If someone else is awake with me, I just sit there watching the flashes--I think they're so beautiful.

posted by Jemmie211 on June 25, 2004 at 8:31 AM | link to this | reply

I have a fear of lightning or the fear of being struck by lightning.

posted by msaries on June 25, 2004 at 6:26 AM | link to this | reply