Comments on five kids

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I have two kids myself

and could not have more.. sometimes.... sometimes I long for more...  sometimes I wish I had 4 or 5....

how does that make you a bad person?

posted by homegirl on June 4, 2004 at 5:47 AM | link to this | reply

schatz, in fairness to witorwhat
I don't think voicing her opinion is abusive. But they certainly are wacky opinions. Yes, I realize, witorwhat, that your remarks were directed at Sean for calling her a good mom for choosing to keep, not abort, her children. But you also pointed to her past posts as evidence of her instability. And you just did it again.

What's worse you seem to think killing your unborn is preferable to being a less than perfect mother. I'd say killing them would be less than perfect.
I betcha there's not one of her kids that she wishes she'd aborted. They probably feel the same way.

posted by AnCatubh on May 22, 2004 at 9:55 PM | link to this | reply

Whoa with the mad name calling...sounds like you're taking your anger out here, great for your kids, not too great that you keep putting it on ugachaca like she's abusive.  I think you're being abusive toward us, for simply having opinions.  She has the right to spank her kids if she chooses to, and belittling her isn't going to open her eyes.  You seem to be mistaking bragging about your sparkling parenting skills for empathy.  Really, that's just trying to make yourself look better by putting someone else down.  I think that's small minded, while we're on the subject.

posted by Schatz on May 22, 2004 at 8:43 PM | link to this | reply


Amdg, I must not understand how this works. Yet my comment has nothing to do with Ugachca it had to do with CCnews. Who is this person you desides who is a great Mom? I myself have 6 children ranging in ages of 18 to 12year old twins I CAN RELATE to Ugchaca I can also relate to having a spouse who thinks of himself. I see and hear her need for support and if she can find it in Blogging God Bless her and her family but this comment I made earlier had NOTHING to do with her parenting skills my question was to the close minded opinionated Idiot  who said she was a great Mom just because she chose life instead of abortion. I myself am for pro-choice I chose to have my children and raise them the best I could yet with out violence it upsets me when I hear of small children getting hit, spanked and or beaten there are other ways to handle those situations in some of her posts she sounds unstable yet wants to do the best she can and I wish her all the luck in the world she needs to find herself and  believes she can not do that with the kids at times. This I know causes the resentment and I have had that to. I do lose my cool when this happens I have to remove myself from the situation calm down come back and deal with it because any Mom knows it will still be there. 

posted by Witorwhat on May 22, 2004 at 8:11 PM | link to this | reply

Wow that sucks. LOL.

posted by Sunny_Delight on May 22, 2004 at 6:18 PM | link to this | reply

witorwhat-don't be so harsh
I think ugachaca says out loud what most parents are thinking,some more than others. Maybe she needs a forum to vent.

I think Sean's right-she sounds like a mom who loves her kids and wants to do right by them. And there's a spirit of generosity between the lines of her writing. Raising kids, particularly a large clan is no small task. Spanking isn't abusewhen use judiciously. And any parent who says they don't lose their temper with their kids is either lying or doesn't spend much time around them. Ugachaca may be a reluctant one, but she's a hero in my book.

Ugachaca Hang in there, girl. These are the hardest years. It gets better. Try to remember there is only a short time to give our kids love and guidance. There's no second chance. What we're doing doesn't really come with a lot of glory or even validation. And it's feckin' hard. Like all truly great and worthwhile things..
Pax to you and yours.

posted by AnCatubh on May 22, 2004 at 1:50 PM | link to this | reply

'The #1 Most Fascinating Blog of Today'
I just have one question for you Mr and or Ms CCnews WHERE?? in that letter does it say she is a good Mother is it only because she chose life? I have gone back and read previous entries from this "Good Mom" and all I see is resentment and frustration talking about leaving and running away. It also mentions she beleives in spanking, hitting whichever is she angry when she does this are these children really safe just because she chose life? Is that what makes her a good Mother? I just want to know how you got this job if you are not objective and check on previous entries.

posted by Witorwhat on May 22, 2004 at 6:50 AM | link to this | reply

Kudos to you!

I have to give you many kudos for having 5 kids!  I currently have a 3 yr old and a 6 month old both boys.  And they are a hand full!  I don't know how you do it but keep up the energy!

posted by starr4all on May 21, 2004 at 10:05 PM | link to this | reply

That is one extra-ordinary story.
Don't know if I could manage 5 kids.  The one I have sometimes seems like many.  You are one fertile lady! Best of everything to yourself and Schatz.

posted by word.smith on May 21, 2004 at 7:05 PM | link to this | reply

Oh my god, you and I are in very similar situations.  I too, got pregnant as I was attempting to join the army...and the father offered me abortion money.  I met John 7 months pregnant, although we waited a year in between babies.  My mom tried for 11 years to have another baby, and finally got pregnant at 36, when I was 16.  Mixed blessing, to say the least.  It spurred me to want to have another baby right away with John, to make sure we could.  (As if I would have left if we couldn't??) 

John and I are good parents, but frustrated and broke.  But I feel the same way...I don't want to put it off on him, because I do want another baby, but I also feel like it would be unfair of me to deny him his wish for ..."one more", and he promises to have a vasectomy.  I am trying to keep from getting pregnant until July or August.  Unfortunately, I have a feeling last night might have been the bad timing I'm always afraid of.  I won't be surprised if I'm pregnant again, but I will hide it from most of the people I know until I can't hide it anymore, because I don't want to hear it.  It's ultimately our decision, and we want a fourth baby.

posted by Schatz on May 21, 2004 at 10:53 AM | link to this | reply

Thanks for sharing your story.

You sound like a great mom.  And I'm glad you chose life.  There are five more because of your convictions.


Sean Gray, Clear Choice News

P.S. I'm going to put your blog up as 'The #1 Most Fascinating Blog of Today'

posted by itisdone on May 21, 2004 at 3:04 AM | link to this | reply