Comments on For All You Grammarians...

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I Love You, Editormum!
Yay!  Finally someone who feels as strongly as I do regarding "try and..."  I, too, want to scream at those who use "try and" when they obviously mean "try to."  Of course, I often want to scream at them AND slap the living daylights out of them, but I try to curb my hostility, and I often am successful.   Whew!

posted by Jemmie211 on April 7, 2003 at 8:50 PM | link to this | reply

The Grammar Guru Responds

"Try and ...." makes me grind my teeth at night. It makes me turn red and bite holes in my tongue trying to keep from saying "You illiterate swine! Stop murdering the language!"

The only time "try and ..." is right is when you are saying something like "I will try, and I will succeed!"

You are right. You try to eat the whole pint of ice cream. I am trying to make people see my point of view. I am going to try to keep from kicking the next person who tells me he's going to "try and" do something.

posted by editormum on April 7, 2003 at 8:33 PM | link to this | reply