The Town Square: Heartoucher

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Tuesday, April 10, 2007


The rock turned on the computer today, and stared into the words on the page, stunned at the words looking back, she was aware that there are other rocks in the world like her.

She is here, crying, one sad tear, one long sad tear at a time.  Her eyes are filling with tears knowing that she is not alone on this journey, and that her journey has touched another person.

We celebrate ourself when we can look outside of our journey for a moment and lean onto another person for the validation we all need.  The rock, is not alone- she is being blessed tonight with the first of her new found network of support.

The rock sleeps,

The rock eats

The rock crys in silence

But the mother seeks and seeks to find the rushing waters that will cover her rock,

and carry it to the safe river bed, where she will rest and bask in loving honor of self

That is what mother is doing for her child, as she carries this message out into the world granting dignity to the voice of her muted child.

Sleep tonight my little dear, another woman has drawnnow near, with her we are stronger now, and together we can all seek more help out. 

This is the start of the end of your silence, suffer no more in silence my precious rock.

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