Tuesday, July 18, 2017
When I look in the mirror what do I see, Nothing but sadness starring back at me. I look inside so very deep, So scared to smile, cry or sleep. What do you do when you have nothing in life? No home, No kids and your not even a good wife. I'm so screwed up all I can say is wow, I don't even think... Sign in to see full entry.
Saturday, July 15, 2017
In the midst of one dark dreary night, I try to wake from my sleep but I struggle and fight. When I finaly wake from my horrible dream, I realize that nothing is as is seems. Do I follow the dark path or follow the light? Follow the light, wait....It's fading into the night. Can someone save me? Is... Sign in to see full entry.
Friday, July 14, 2017
Feel Me
Your finger dips below my waist, Traveling to that sensuous place. The lower you go, My anticipation builds. My heart beats faster, Bracing for the thrill. Your touch has me moaning, Begging for more. Your hot passionate kisses: I simlpy adore. I feel it, I feel you, as I crest on high. Only you can... Sign in to see full entry.
Thursday, July 13, 2017
My Life
I wait for you but you don't show, The love we had was suppose to grow. But fate it had a different plan, We grew appart and now you're a different man. I thought things would change but I was wrong, We've been apart for way to long. I don't think things will change any time soon, I sit here at... Sign in to see full entry.
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
no title yet
Why does it feel like the world is passing me by? I just wish I had wings so I could fly. I would go with the wind with each and every blow, And see the world as it is, I'll be gone and no-one will know. Life is funny and you just can't see, How am I suppose to make it being me? I am Gods little... Sign in to see full entry.
Partying gone wrong way
Partying can go the wrong way, Just listen to what I have to say. My friend invited me over for a party one night, So I gladly accepted her invite. Party got going, parents went to bed. Having no clue what was lying ahead. We were drinking, partying and having such fun, Handed another drink I said I... Sign in to see full entry.
Monday, July 10, 2017
These nightmares of mine were just so real, As if I met the devil and made a deal. L ocked in cages and couldn't get out, Nowhere to go, can't run, scream or shout. A man in my room he did scare, Turned on my light but he wasn't there. V oices in my head but I was the only one in my room, I was... Sign in to see full entry.
Sunday, July 9, 2017
15 and in love or so it seemed that way, He only used me to get what he wanted that day. I fought and I argued with my parents to let me marry him, Little did I know, my life was going to be so grim. It started out alright for a little while there, Then it turned into something I didn't want to... Sign in to see full entry.
The Beast
The beast inside me so mean and so fierce, C hewing your skin his teeth does pierce. With fangs of blood dripping down, Y ou have no time to cry or frown. H e'll eat your soul and swallow your pride, Just before you're able to run and hide. E yes so big and bloodshot red, To look at you this you... Sign in to see full entry.