Friday, December 12, 2008Nothing to watch except AFNSo, we still haven't been able to get yet. Hopefully soon. (We are in England.) We signed up for AFN (American Forces Network) and got the box for free. There's about 10 or eleven channels but not much on. They have some shows on but not much. They repeat them often as well. So I'm sitting... Sign in to see full entry.posted by starr4all at 5:46 AM Comments (1) (link) Thursday, January 5, 2006Veronica Mars, Kill Bill, Desperate Housewives...oh my!I used to like Veronica Mars but man some of the fans of the show are just totally out there! I went to a bulletin board to read up on what people thought of the show and these people are so obsessed with the character of Logan. I'm afraid if the creators of the show cater to those fans they will... Sign in to see full entry.posted by starr4all at 8:43 AM Comments (3) (link) Sunday, October 16, 2005Veronica MarsI'll write more on the show later. I don't have much time to write right now. But I love this show! I just now discovered the show. It's on UPN and it's in it's second season. About a high school girl who plays private detective like her father. It's actually a well written show. I just bought the... Sign in to see full entry.posted by starr4all at 12:40 AM Comments (0) (link) Monday, September 26, 2005CSI, Supernatural and Survivor--New seasons sound awesome.Unfortunately with the move and all kinds of crap I've missed most of the last season of CSI. What I gathered is something happened to Stokes at the end of last season? And didn't Catherine and Warrick sort of have a thing last season? Maybe just a flirtation? Here's the thing, I think it was last... Sign in to see full entry.posted by starr4all at 10:52 PM Comments (0) (link) Tuesday, September 20, 2005About one of my blogs.Please go here and vote what I should do with my Big Brother 6 Blog. Please help me decide. Thanks! Sign in to see full entry.posted by starr4all at 1:28 PM Comments (0) (link) Friday, September 16, 2005Flowers in the AtticWell, I finally finished the book. Excellent book! I felt so bad for those children locked in the attic. For those who have never heard of it, it's a book called Flowers in the Attic by VC Andrews. Such wonderful children. Such a beautiful mother. Such a lovely house. Such endless terror!! It wasn't... Sign in to see full entry.posted by starr4all at 1:55 AM Comments (4) (link) Wednesday, September 14, 2005V.C. AndrewsMany years ago I read "Flowers in the Attic". I recently watched the movie and it made me want to re-read the book. I couldn't find it but I found "Garden of Shadows". Since it's a prequel to "Flowers in the Attic" so I said what the heck. Fabulous book! I couldn't put it down! It took two days to... Sign in to see full entry.posted by starr4all at 12:43 PM Comments (1) (link) Saturday, August 27, 2005GANGRENE FILM FESTIVAL Program ScheduleHello all, We had a great showing of entries for this year's film festival. Following is the final list of films that will be shown at THE GANGRENE FILM FESTIVAL: 6-PACK. The films will not be shown in the listed order. General Audience Session (8:30 PM, Sept 9th) Think Like a Leader - Directed by... Sign in to see full entry.posted by starr4all at 3:57 AM Comments (0) (link) Sunday, August 21, 2005Sin CitySin City I’m torn about this movie. I think that I’m disappointed in this movie because I was anticipating this movie for the longest time. That my anticipation worked against me when it came to this movie. I thought it was a pretty good movie but it could have been better. I like comic book movies.... Sign in to see full entry.posted by starr4all at 4:24 PM Comments (0) (link) Sunday, August 14, 2005Comedy Central’s Celebrity Roast: Pamela AndersonComedy Central’s Celebrity Roast: Pamela Anderson I originally just was curious what would be said. I know why my hubby wanted to watch it: hello! Breasts! And then Pamela made her appearance…in a black see through shirt. And when I mean see through…I mean see through! You see nippleage…and you see... Sign in to see full entry.posted by starr4all at 10:27 PM Comments (0) (link) |
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