Sunday, September 21, 2014
This dream began with me and a small group of people sitting in a small room, the sort some cheap hotels have as a TV room. Where all the chairs are arranged in front of a TV screen. One guy was not happy, and we went up a small flight of stairs, to do something. I then found myself on the second... Sign in to see full entry.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
The dream started as a journey through a small town, very clear, but not lucid. I was with a group of people as we made our way, first by car, but later walking through a house. We had to go into someone’s home to deliver something. A large sunny room, full of decoration and ornaments. Books lining... Sign in to see full entry.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
The Quarry.
This dream began very ordinary and might have faded from memory if it had not taken some very strange twists and turns. The beginning is too lost to matter, but it all really began when I tried leading someone of a journey across country roads and fields tracks. We started in a car, but ended up on... Sign in to see full entry.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Restaurant. I was in some strange shop where nothing made sense, when I saw people I worked with. They were going somewhere for some reason important for them. We went out into the street, and almost got tangled up in some brambles which hung over the path. After trying to avoid this, I walked into... Sign in to see full entry.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Girl in the kitchen.
This is part of a larger dream, but only small bits of it come back to me now. I walked into our kitchen, to find a girl standing behind the door. The surprising thing about this is, that I had the impression that everyone had gone from the house. The outcome was, that we ended up making toast. She... Sign in to see full entry.
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Sham marriage!
I was with a group of people and saw no real problems, until I felt a strange growth on my cheek. It seemed to be hanging off my face and thought it would just go away by itself. As the story unfolded, someone told me that it was a spell put upon me to capture my soul and help them trap me. The... Sign in to see full entry.
Friday, June 27, 2014
Actually woke up in this one!
I haven't had a Lucid dream for ages, and certainly not one that did any good. But this one definitely let me explore the dream world. It seemed to be something to do with a hotel. I think I was there to help run it, or something, as I certainly was not a worker. People were looking to me for... Sign in to see full entry.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Shopping centres.
I quite often have dreams of shopping centres, and traveling through shops. Most often in the local city: Peterborough, but this was one strange one which seemed to spread up the motorway. I felt I could walk through all the shops, and wondered how far they would stretch. Never buying anything, just... Sign in to see full entry.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
RAF Airfield.
I was staying in an old Mansion, made of light coloured stone. There was a large garden outside, with lots of trees. My attention was drawn to a siren whaling outside, and went to take a look. I found that the house was next to a large airfield, and soon decided that it was a military base, with... Sign in to see full entry.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Falling and hands.
I felt myself falling backwards then sidewards down onto a large yellow bed. It was done with humour and I felt no bad effects. I was conscious I was doing it, and was lucid for a brief moment. Once I hit the bed I drifted into an ordinary dream, which was about walking around the local motorway,... Sign in to see full entry.