Ri's Reality

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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I have discovered JUMPING, LEAPING, BOUNDING in addition to climbing

This is Rev--- he is so wonderful and so smart. This was where his momma went for a respite and now he can get there too. As I went to take a pic, he went to leap onto me and did so and made it. Scared me!!!!!! This boy is a daredevil but look at his face!!! So cute!!!!!!! Look at his paws-- he is... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Prairie is as Prairie does

She had another growth spurt. My girl is going to be HUGE. I took this pic when I saw her crossed paws-- she has never been one to be dainty or prissy. One of our senior kitties is not doing so well and we are facing the inevitable today after a trip to the vet for more bloodwork. Breaks my heart... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Cleo--- my baby my beautiful wonderful baby

This is Cleo. I simply cannot believe I have not posted a pic of my girl. I woke her up for this shot and she was a bit put out, but that is my girl. The thing with Cleo-- she is not smart. The vacant look is her normal look. Sometimes it is true that the lights are on but no one is home. I love her... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

All Mom's need a break now and then-- so she went up high

ADORA needed a respite from her five demanding children. Do you blame her? She can still hop down and be with them but right now they are in the playful, we'll climb all over anything, including momma, stage and she has had enough. We have five kitties going home between tomorrow and Tuesday. That... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Who me? What are you doing?????

These faces are just too cute. One of my friends came by to work today with her children. Her daughter, aged 7, was telling me how she was enjoying watching the pink panther dvds her brother bought recently. She told me--- in all earnestly-- that it reminded her of the past--- she is 7--- When I... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

all these pet beds and this is their new place

We bought yet another oscillating fan as it is just too DAMN hot-- to place in the room with the momma and babies. Set it up and when I came back-- THERE were five in there-- but then I ran to get the camera and was left with two. Both are to be going to their forever homes next week or so and I... Sign in to see full entry.

No pics today but beds will be mended and to the pound we will go

We have a gazillion pet beds. NO LIE!!! And they all get torn or ripped. B's Mom has said she will mend them all and so this morning before work I loaded up the back seat of my truck with oh about twenty pet beds for her to mend at her leisure. After we drop the beds off and we are going to the... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Not now, Mom, I was sleeping and how did you ever find me?

Ari is almost big enough to have her leg amputation surgery. The leg is beginning to bother her, so we know it is time. Out vet wanted her to get completely over her kitty cold which everyone came down with from all the rain. She had burrowed under the and behind the pillow. Cracked me up, and I... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Drum roll please......

This is Drum, our resident feral cat. Is she not gorgeous????? We took her in as a favor to our vet who had her completely vetted. She was almost six months old at that time and no amount of work has tamed her any. She runs from us. Oh, every so often we can touch her, but not for long. Bless her,... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Mortality rates and babies and I want my next car to be a police car!!!!

This is penelope--pen and archimedes. Andromeda did not make it. At 13 days old this boy befits his name as he is a fighter. Penn is an awesome mom. She came from the pound, so of course, she became sick and we have been nebulizing her three times daily. She has taken to just staying in there all... Sign in to see full entry.

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