Thursday, July 2, 2009
I hope now that Michael Jacksons Old Music is number one once again you will take a listen. That is how pop-rock-hip hop is suppose to sound. Your versions literally suck! What the hell happened to music? I mean when MTV was in its hay day music was still understandable, now the vulgarity and trash... Sign in to see full entry.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Why is it that Obama says he will not mingle in the affairs of Iran or Korea, but is telling the the Jewish people where they can build houses in their own country? Perhaps this man half of our country elected president will soon start telling us where we all can live as well. Does Obama not... Sign in to see full entry.
Friday, June 26, 2009
June 26th, the day we noticed MJ again...
No one can deny the impact Michael Jackson had upon our society. From his early age of 5 he was pushed into the family business in Gary Indiana, till the release of Thriller and on, he had until the early 90's been a house hold name. Now after years of troubles from money to personal life his Star... Sign in to see full entry.