Monday, June 13, 2011
I am fortunate to actually remember my dreams and dream in technicolor. But since I was a small child I travel back to the same locations but never do the same things in the dreams. Like last night. Last night I awoke (in my dream of course) in the mountain cabin with the "hooing" owl outside of my... Sign in to see full entry.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
PollyAnna Patient
Swimmer's Ear and Poison Oak..the latest diagnosis for my little diva...the professional patient. It is a good thing that I have really really good insurance beause if she ever stopped craving ridiculous attention or needed 3:00 am jaunts to the emergency rooms I don't know what I would do. And to... Sign in to see full entry.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
So Sometimes We Think With Our Heads
Even though I haven't had great sex for a long time...I guess I wasn't ready to just jump into bed with anyone - and boy am I glad. Sex is NOT everything or anything for that matter. When I was young it was everything. The lust and passion meant so much - it defined me, not so much anymore. Anyone... Sign in to see full entry.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Sex And The Sous Chef
Marcus and I have been "cooking" together for about 4 months now. Flirting / slicing and dicing / laughing and joking / shouting our cavalier judgeements about other employees / dodging comments about our partners /kissing in the walk-in / bumping in to each other behind the line / giving each other... Sign in to see full entry.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
CuCuCaChu Mrs. Robinson...
"But I am your mother's best friend" I exclaimed as he put his hand down my blouse and tongue down my throat. Double ICK!!! It's been awhile but I should have known better than accepting a "ride home" from a 25 year old unhappily married soldier with a wandering eye and a wife many miles away. But I... Sign in to see full entry.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Blubber Among The Zones
Ah youth.....truly wasted on the young. I remember when I was an Ingenue and could slink into any room and catch every man's eye. I remember when I shopped for clothes and didn't even have to try anything on with my model figure. Not no more... I caught a glimpse of myself in the back porch storm... Sign in to see full entry.