Verses by GWC

By gwc1975 - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Poetry

Friday, November 23, 2007

I still can feel you breathing Your breath against my skin. I close my eyes so tightly To block the tears within. It seems like only yesterday So wild and free. But years have passed so quickly And tomorrow's out of reach. I miss those blissful yesteryears When our love was brand new I... Sign in to see full entry.

I once was a lonesome prisoner Within my hearts cold walls I never thought I'd love again Afraid that I might fall I had taken many chances Audacious in my ways Before I knew my destiny My dreams were still a haze I never had direction I never had a clue I never knew what love was 'Til the day that... Sign in to see full entry.

True Love

You can't understand what I feel inside. It's stronger than fear, or hate, or pride. It can make you frown, and make you weep. It can make you cry yourself to sleep. It's a sacred gift and it's not a toy. It can flood your eyes with tears of joy. What you give it will give to you, But only if you... Sign in to see full entry.

My Qualities

I don't have much money, And I don't wear any gold. I'm not the best looking man around, At least that's what I'm told. I'm really kind of plain, you see And probably not your kind. But I do have certain qualities If you open up your mind. I work hard for each dime earned, I am willing to... Sign in to see full entry.

Ode to my wife

For all that is spoiled in this world today There is still a place to go Where all your troubles and dismays Could never taint your soul. For some it is the ocean Where a gentle flowing breeze Will take away their worries To be lost over the seas. Babe, you are my ocean. You ease my troubled mind.... Sign in to see full entry.

As you lay in our bed sleeping I just can't help but stare. I hear the rhythm of you breathing And see your wildly gorgeous hair. It stretched across your pillow As I stroke those golden lockes. I wish for time to come to a halt As if there were no clocks. I would hold you close forever. Then you'd... Sign in to see full entry.

Passionate Haiku Series

Sometimes I get lost My mind swims in thoughts of you Passion fills my soul. Your love intrigues me So hot, so filled with vigor Each day it grows more. I love to touch you A soft and gentle caress My fingers explore. I feel your dampness As you sigh so satisfied Anticipation. Gazing in your eyes I... Sign in to see full entry.

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