GLOBAL WORLD DATELINE: for Thursday, March 30, 2006

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Thursday, March 30, 2006

Why Some Hostages Are Released, and Others Are Not...

We just don't understand; however, when given a miracle, we do not try to explain it, we simply say "thank you" and move on to praying for the next one! BAGHDAD, Iraq (March 30) -- American reporter Jill Carroll was set free Thursday, nearly three months after she was kidnapped in a bloody ambush... Sign in to see full entry.

Immigration Transformation...

Step 1 - Secretive or Hidden entrance into US Step 2 - Given Guestworker Card Step 3 - Take on job no American wants (at least that is what we are told) Step 4 - Apply for American Citizenship Step 5 - Happy Fourth of July! Go to My Wife and I Were Victims of Illegal Immigration! Sign in to see full entry.


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