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Saturday, March 25, 2006

A Good Friend's Father and Husband

die within days of each other. A good friend of mine's father died one day, and as she was getting ready to attend the viewing the next day news came that her 54 year old husband (also a good friend of mine) had died of a brain aneurysm at work. Faith is important at times like these, but even faith... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, March 24, 2006

The Rash of Domestic Violence

in this great country inspired me to write this poem. His sanctuary can refer to your place of worship, or as taught in the New Testament, your own body as the temple of the Holy Spirit. The words, fill this place with your love, refers to our homes! Fill His Sanctuary With Praise Lord, as we fill... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

If It Is Not Borke, Don't Fix It!

What do you do, if it is broke and you can't fix it? Right now so many things around me are broken and I can't fix them. I am not talking so much about my life as that of those I know and love. Some are going through divorces, others have cancer, heart problems, diabetes, strokes etc. and others are... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Who Is This Young Man Walking By The Sea?

A young man one day was walking by the sea, To those around Him, He said, Become fishers of men and follow me. Many miracles did this young man in the towns by the sea, To those who saw these miracles, He said, Become fishers of men and follow me. Standing in a boat, docked by the rolling sea, Love... Sign in to see full entry.

How To Find Our Way In A World That Is Truly Lost...

A bewildered president, a self-promoting congress, civil war possible in Iraq, war on terror becoming a terror for them and to us; it sadly seems like we live in a world and on a planet that just simply does not know where we are going, and how we are going to get there. As Adam Toffler wrote in the... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, March 20, 2006


two monts before graduation. Is this right? I had to interview a Senior and her family about finishing out her last two months of high schooling at our school She had been dismissed from her previous private school for leaving campus without permission, driving a friends car without a license. This... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

To Get Up or Not To Get Up, That is Faith's Question!

I awoke this morning, To dark grayish storm clouds, Hanging low over my weary head; Pull the covers up, Forget about today's pressing work, Remain as you are, my body seductively said! No! No! No! My soul conscientiously declared - Don't yield to this temptation par excellence, Modern day, superbowl... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, March 13, 2006


Not for these college students. Our hats off to the many college students that are giving their Spring Break time to do relief work in the Katrina Hurricane stricken area. Sometimes, we must go beyond just professing our faith, and actually expressing it through acts of love, and compassion. Again,... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, March 8, 2006


Give me a definition of faith. One child said "it is taking hold of God," the second girl replied, "it is keeping hold on God," and the third child responded, "it is not letting go of God." I also believe the Bible teaches, a little child shall lead them, so may these children lead each of us who... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, March 7, 2006


because her daughter was killed in the July 7th London bombing. Malcom, a fellow blogger (see link) wrote a heart moving story about a parish vicar who has become so deeply hurt about her daughters death that she does not feel like she can lead prayer and worship any longer. Sometimes, our faith... Sign in to see full entry.


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