Wednesday, October 16, 2024
I was 18, pregnant and in love. He wanted to marry me and his father told him not to stay with me. Apparently I was someone who always end up alone he said. He didn't stick around, I raised my child alone for ten years I was 22 with a child and thought it was romantic that someone did everything for... Sign in to see full entry.
Friday, October 4, 2024
This Time
I was 18 the first time, I was asked. It was real and heartfelt. We were young and there was a baby coming. I was 22 the second time, no ring just a walk in the field. It was sweet but held no real meaning at the time. It did eventually but it was fleeting I was 31 the next time and it took two... Sign in to see full entry.
Friday, April 19, 2024
She's done nothing wrong, not really anyway She's with you and that's a mark against her She appears to be a version of you and the jury is out on what version I wanted to play nice, you made that impossible She takes your side, has your back that's good everyone should have a champion She seems... Sign in to see full entry.
Fools game
O how things change He was invading, taking over, replacing, not the person He was awful, no good, Its to bad he was a good guy He took my side and loved me. He heard your side, your truth, your rants and then he saw me. He listened to my words, read my eyes and saw my soul Flawed always, definitely... Sign in to see full entry.
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
Fears, Desires, Reality
Fears Not teaching enough Not leading well Not listening quitely Falling victim to my own feelings Speaking faster then i think Thinking faster then i feel Feeling harder then i should Desires to be a role model to be seen to heard not just listened to to smile genuine smiles filled with joy to not... Sign in to see full entry.
Sweet girl
Sweet girl, he says im not fair He points out the flaws in what i do, or he think i do He tells you to speak loud and be forceful I wish he knew what he was doing to you I wish he saw his behavior for what it utlimately will be Sweet girl, no one should mess with your mind this way and you don't... Sign in to see full entry.
Wednesday, June 7, 2023
They thought using her written word against her would be frightening. It wasnt They told her, she needed to except her past and start moving forward She already had They told secrets and thought she didnt know She knew Same games, same tricks, same maniplulation She wasnt the same Fake fronts, false... Sign in to see full entry.
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
She showed no emotion She had done nothing wrong Moving through her day constant thoughts replayed, old habits tickled at her senses was she wrong, should she have, could she have NO She felt the tension of the day slowing playing into her senses as the evening peaked Quietly she felt the tears... Sign in to see full entry.
Monday, February 20, 2023
I stood
I stood in the room and cried the weight of shame dragging me down i would sing the words and cry looking for comfort, grace and love i needed, i cried Over and over again i came to the alter and cried the music striking my soul, lifting me to the point of tears healing myself one lyric, one prayer... Sign in to see full entry.
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
When she said
When she said i don't trust happy, I felt that When she said kids should have a strong image of their dads i felt that When she said I hid it from you and i did it well, i felt that When she hid on the other side of the wall while she was verbally taken apart and all the reasons she wasn't enough... Sign in to see full entry.