A Distant Drum of the Coming Revolution for Saturday, July 16, 2005

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Saturday, July 16, 2005

Bush, like Reagan, was absolutely right about tax cuts.

The liberals screamed that tax cuts were going to destroy the economy, bankrupt the government and more. Well, guess what? The economy is going gangbusters, federal tax revenues are up, and the projected deficit has been reduced anywhere from $62,000,000,000 to $87,000,000,000 – that’s billions of... Sign in to see full entry.

And, by the way, Rove was right about the left and September 11.

Liberals had litters of kittens over Karl Rove stating, among other things, that they wanted to offer terrorists understanding after September 11th. He was right. There was BBC, editing its reports of the London bombings to replace the word “terrorist” with the far gentler “bomber.” Why? In order to... Sign in to see full entry.

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