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By AardigeAfrikaner - About Me - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Religion & Spirituality

Saturday, April 26, 2008

For Jesus' name sake

Those interested in control and divisiveness has been playing the "hate for Jesus' name sake" card for a long time in a deceptive manner. How do we overcome the seeming dilemma of being hated for the sake of Jesus name and loving God as truth and Life itself at the same time that has been set up by... Sign in to see full entry.

The First Commandment: Love God

We've all heard this one: Love God. I have no problem with this statement. What I do have a problem with is the interpretation of this Law. Many people I have spoken to and heard on the radio and seen on TV etc tell us that to love God we have to follow their idea of what we should believe and how... Sign in to see full entry.

" hated by all for my name's sake"

Matthew 10 in context When read out of context the above chapter in the Bible can easily be misinterpreted as a call to arms and mindless murder and hatred. Anybody who has seen and experienced the effects of a controlling dogma in the hands of power hungry people will know that they easily call... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Good and Evil

Good and Evil, like right and wrong, are not concepts that should be fixed to other words and concepts arbitrarily. They only have value/meaning in relation to an objective/goal. For example: If our goal is to destroy the planet it is right and good to promote divisiveness, war and exploitation. If... Sign in to see full entry.

Six Sences

One of the Big differences between Buddhist thought and non-Buddhist thought is the category we place mind and thought in. In traditional "Western" thinking we are taught that we have five senses. In Buddhism "mind" is taught as another sense. The objects of sense perception for eye consciousness... Sign in to see full entry.

Letter to Southern Africans

Die res van die wêreld gee nie om nie mense. Tyd om dit te aanvaar en self iets te doen. Soos ek nou voel pak ek my goedtjies hier op en kom huistoe. Ek het mense daar wat my gaan nodig kry as dinge so aangaan in Zim en dit sal oorspoel na Zim se bure. Ons weet mos wie is wie se tjommies en familie.... Sign in to see full entry.

Wake up United Nations

I know a lot of people do not want to hear this kind of news but I have been sent this to pass on in the hope that someone can wake up the UN to actually start doing what they pretend to be there for: I reckon that these are the last days of TKM and ZPF. The darkest hour is always before dawn. We... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Note on Reincarnation

It is never the intact ego that reincarnates. It is the tendencies. That is why it can be said that the Dalai Lama is the reincarnation of Avilokiteshvara, the embodiment of compassion. Sign in to see full entry.

Notes on the Historic accuracy of the Writings about Jesus the Nazerene

A lot of weight is constantly being added to the argument that Jesus as described in the Gospels in the Christian Bible never actually existed. The basic framework for refuting the historic accuracy of the Gospels is as follows: There are many contradictions in and between the various Gospels. These... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Where is the Kingdom of God?

Luke 17:20-21 20 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: 21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. Sign in to see full entry.

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