Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Escape from Darkness IV. The Escape from Darkness T- 1.IV.1. The escape from darkness involves two stages: First, the recognition that darkness cannot hide. This step usually entails fear. Second, the recognition that there is nothing you want to hide even if you could. This step brings escape from... Sign in to see full entry.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Atonement and Miracles
Atonement and Miracles III. Atonement and Miracles T-1. III. 1. I am in charge of the process of Atonement, which I undertook to begin. When you offer a miracle to any of my brothers, you do it to yourself and me. The reason you come before me is that I do not need miracles for my own Atonement, but... Sign in to see full entry.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Revelation and Miracles
Revelation and Miracles T-1. II. 2. Revelation is intensely personal and cannot be meaningfully translated. That is why any attempt to describe it in words is impossible. Revelation induces only experience. Miracles, on the other hand, induce action. They are more useful now because of their... Sign in to see full entry.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Miracles Cast Out Fear
Miracles Cast Out Fear T-1.I.21. Miracles are natural signs of forgiveness. Through miracles you accept God’s forgiveness by extending it to others. T-1.I.22. Miracles are associated with fear only because of the belief that darkness can hide. You believe that what your physical eyes cannot see does... Sign in to see full entry.
Friday, November 22, 2019
T-1.I.14. Miracles bear witness to truth. They are convincing because they arise from conviction. Without conviction they deteriorate into magic, which is mindless and therefore destructive; or rather, the uncreative use of mind. T-1.I.15. Each day should be devoted to miracles. The purpose of time... Sign in to see full entry.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
what is a miracle?
what is a miracle? There is no order of difficulty in miracles. One is not “harder” or “bigger” than another. They are all the same. All expressions of love are maximal. On one level, a miracle is nothing more that a change in perspective. A change in perspective is a change in perception. Einstein... Sign in to see full entry.