Monday, November 9, 2020
His eyes stare could only penetrate the first layer. We won't be the ones to disturb the deliberation of a prayer. Bring onto me blessings of simplistic moral. Purified rains will soak into my once dried laurel. I'm always being asked if it's really worth it. A love that seems to solely curse it.... Sign in to see full entry.
Bloodiest Bloom
They say the rose is the flower of romance. That its appearance can put you into a trance. With good reason this fact is known. From the devil's claw it has grown. Do not wonder my thinking unrationalised. Its beauty is fashioned for lover's eyes. Enchanted by its angelical white hue. Oh no, its... Sign in to see full entry.
Placed Into The Heart Of My Love
Love was a snowflake for him. Pretty, cold and temporary in the making. Winter's air kept his emotions frozen. A gradual process of corrosion. Placed into the heart of my love. I couldn't bear to let the fierce night steal. Knowing his mind would forget what is real. Sadness swamps his happiness and... Sign in to see full entry.
Song Of Shelley
(I) Summer in Hell Restless was I when I came to these shores. Like a soldier who embarks on his first tour. Byron awaits us at the first glimpse of the morrow. With ethereal elixirs to numb our sorrows. Little did I know such medications would have torn me. Dispensed from the hands of Polidori.... Sign in to see full entry.
Silence Of Snow
The night air is heavy and the world is shaded. There has been anticipation since the sunlight faded. In your dreams you think of canes of candy and bells of a sleigh. As you let sleep drift you away. You will not hear it when its falling. But you will understand its calling. A special place to... Sign in to see full entry.
The Raven 2(Sequel to The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe)
Darkness ascends with the opening of my eyes. The new vision expected is not one of surprise. Reasoning of such confounds me to thinking I was no more. I must have hallucinated such a nightmare so impure. A ruffling sound above me confirmed what I can't ignore. Stood still on Pallas's head above my... Sign in to see full entry.
Joined Together In Deathly Matrimony
Me and my beloved were so close. I knew her thoughts as sure as the wind blows. Her every thought was delicate and fine. Beautiful words spoken by my Madeline. It's 1815 so didn't you hear? A new evil has us in fear. I'm afraid to say it consumed my wife. Piercing her lungs and draining her life. I... Sign in to see full entry.
I don't talk, I won't talk, I can' Not to you. Not now, not ever. I am invisible forever. Or am I? I've discovered that these walls are not all stone. So I'll punch and claw at it til I'm worn to the bone. Though I might always be alone. I know I've got my place that I can call home. I have... Sign in to see full entry.
If I Were A Library Book
If I were a library book, where do you suppose I'd be? On the shelf between fiction and criminology? Or on the table next to the coffee ring you left. My pages warm from where your finger tips gave them breath. If I were a library book, would you read me from cover to cover? Could you convince me... Sign in to see full entry.