Jimmy Rod's Best Shot: Hey dinky georgie bush.Is it true you and Laura sold dime bags in college?

By Tahoe_Red_Dog - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Humor

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Hey dinky georgie bush.Is it true you and Laura sold dime bags in college?

Rolling Stone magazine accuses you of it, dinky crawford boy. You've executed people, in part because of weed. And you and Laura, hustled weed in college. Your dead, will visit your soul, dinky, nubby georgie bush. You are so evil, georgie bush. You may rot and die immediately! Six billion people wish you dead, dinky georgie. We, postulate your entire non-existance, nubby, georgie. Your disappearance from history... It won't be too bad, dinky georgie. One night you'll go to sleep. And you will... Sign in to see full entry.

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