Sunday, May 24, 2009
Insider Business Deals By A. Burt Bush Jr. has made a lot of money off of three business deals. In each one, his contribution is hard to perceive, yet he walked off with hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars in deals arranged by his father's political cronies. The deals were 1. the sale of... Sign in to see full entry.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Cheney Goofs on Israel Cheney Goofs on Israel By Ray McGovern May 22, 2009 If we hear in the coming days that former Vice President Dick Cheney has fired one of his speechwriters — or perhaps grounded Lynne or Liz — it will be clear why. Oozing out of the sleazy speech he... Sign in to see full entry.
Friday, May 22, 2009
The 13 Bush Officials Who Made Torture Possible The 13 Bush Officials Who Made Torture Possible By Marcy Wheeler, Salon. Posted May 22, 2009. The Bush administration's Torture 13. They authorized it, they decided how to implement it, and they crafted the legal... Sign in to see full entry.
Republican Call for Inquiry on Pelosi Claim Is Rejected Republican Call for Inquiry on Pelosi Claim Is Rejected By CARL HULSE Published: May 21, 2009 WASHINGTON — House Democrats on Thursday rejected a Republican call for an inquiry into whether Speaker Nancy Pelosi was told in... Sign in to see full entry.
Why Goldman Sachs Is the Greediest and Most Dastardly of the Wall Street Pi
h ttp:// Why Goldman Sachs Is the Greediest and Most Dastardly of the Wall Street Pigs By Jim Hightower, AlterNet. Posted May 22, 2009. Goldman holds billions in taxpayer cash, plans for... Sign in to see full entry.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Random Thoughts on Poverty
Random Thoughts on Poverty: Sociology Dept. of University of California at Santa Cruz: 2004 By A. Burt Top 1% had 42.2% of all Wealth. Next 19% had 50.3% of all Wealth. The bottom 80% had 7.5% of all the Wealth. 20% of the population owned 92.5% of all the Wealth in the Nation. FACT CHECK.ORG.02% of... Sign in to see full entry.