Friday, May 22, 2009 May 22, 2009 New World Order: Global Research Archive Assessing the Bush Legacy: The Measure of the Man and His Administration by Stephen Lendman Global Research, December 17, 2008 George W. Bush. US president: January 20, 2001 - January... Sign in to see full entry.
The Middle Eastern Powder Keg Can Explode at Anytime May 22, 2009 New World Order: Global Research Archive The Middle Eastern Powder Keg Can Explode at Anytime by José Miguel Alonso Trabanco. Global Research, January 13, 2009 Historically, some great powers have originated in the Middle East: The Persian Empire, the... Sign in to see full entry.
Pakistan Is Rapidly Adding Nuclear Arms, U.S. Says Pakistan Is Rapidly Adding Nuclear Arms, U.S. Says By THOM SHANKER and DAVID E. SANGER Published: May 17, 2009 WASHINGTON — Members of Congress have been told in confidential briefings that Pakistan is rapidly adding to its nuclear arsenal... Sign in to see full entry.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Religion and Spirit: Part One
Editor Note: Due to the destruction that the world has endured for many years but particularly in the last 7. Due to the pure aspect of evil which if not embodied in that emanates with veracity from Bush, Cheney and company. Due to the dictatorial-ship form of Government we face. Due to Nancy... Sign in to see full entry.
Religion and Spirit: Part Two
Religion and Spirit: Part 2 By A. Burt “Whoever finds the interpretations of these sayings will not taste death”… ”Let one who seeks not stop seeking until one finds.” This clause comes from the Gospel of Thomas but is encountered in one form or another through nearly all Holy Scripture, including... Sign in to see full entry.
Viable Aspects of Light
Viable Aspects of Light By A. Burt Genesis 1:3 And God said, “Let there be light, and there was light,”… Seldom do the Hebrew’s use the same word twice in the same sentence unless there is a very good reason. It is said that primordial, transcendent light, already existed. This light of Hesed was... Sign in to see full entry.
Monday, May 18, 2009
The Importance of Thought
The Importance of Thought By A. Burt I once heard a physicist say that water was a word spelled with two letters, Hydrogen and Oxygen. In essence all things, as most of us now know are made up of atoms. But the atom is made up of quarks and the quarks are made up of other subatomic particles and... Sign in to see full entry.