Friday, April 29, 2011
Today is a small triumph for me. I managed to write a new poem. Yesterday, I spoke of inspiration. Today, inspiration came from watching a movie. Yet I had important choices to make about this poem, before I even started. You see, I have a long history with ballet and with Swan Lake, in particular.... Sign in to see full entry.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Inspiration and Friendship
I want to thank the folks who have left comments. I still get a bit confused navigating this site, and cannot seem to remember names terribly well. I will improve. I hope to visit more blogs, especially those written by folks who have visited my two blogs and left such kind comments. Inspiration.... Sign in to see full entry.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
"We posses art lest we perish of the truth."
Friedrich Nietzsche wrote this line in his book, The Will to Power." I recalled this particular line because today I literally became a kind of burnt offering. Specifically, a surgeon burned my bottom with some ghastly acid or other in order to treat some kind of cyst that usually affects men much... Sign in to see full entry.