Thursday, May 24, 2012
Charlie pulled over when he came to the roundabout in Bradford. Cynthia never said exactly where her mother lived, and he had come to the end of the M606. There was a beltway of sorts shown on the map and he took it. The trip was jerky, between the frozen cars, and stopping to check the map. When... Sign in to see full entry.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
12 - Frozen
Charlie walked along the motorway. When he came up to a car, there were people inside. It makes sense, he thought, I'm not going to find many cars on the road, with no people in them. Even if I do, even fewer will have the keys. I wonder how hard it is to hot wire a car? He looked over at the off... Sign in to see full entry.
Monday, May 21, 2012
11b - Frozen
"I have to go to her, Charlie, are you coming or not?" Charlie swung wildly around, searching the horizon. "We can't do this." He opened the back seat door and rummaged through the grocery bag. Out he came in a few seconds holding a kitchen knife. "What the hell, Charlie..." "Let me refresh your... Sign in to see full entry.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
11a - Frozen
The sign for the M606 appeared in the headlights. "Charlie, this is the slip road for Bradford." "Oh, um, what did you have in mind." "I've been thinking about my Mum." After an awkard silence, Charlie stopped the car just before the ramp. "Yeah, this isn't any good for her, I'm sure." "She's... Sign in to see full entry.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
10b - Frozen
Charlie opened the entrance doors and stopped. Cynthia was soon by his side. The couple they had passed on the way in was just off to the right. "This isn't any easier on the way out." said Charlie Cynthia felt a knot in her stomach. They moved quiet as monks on a pilgrimage, and said nothing till... Sign in to see full entry.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
10a - Frozen
Cynthia pulled the chair to her, and slumped into it. "So Bob's your uncle, and everything's right with the world." She sounded tired. "Huh?" "We're screwed, Charlie." "Screwed? Golly Cyn, you have a funny outlook on invulnerability. Don't you want to be Superman?" "The suit would fit wrong in the... Sign in to see full entry.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
9b - Fr0zen
"But don't you think you're jumping to conclusions?" He put the lantern down and turned toward her. "I don't know how the courts work in Great Britain, but in America,, it takes at least ninety days to convict a guy of purse snatching!" "Days, snorted Cynthia, "I can't measure the days cause you... Sign in to see full entry.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
9 - Frozen
Charlie's mouth dropped open. Cynthia moved the chair in front of her. "Charlie, if this is a test, a test of my faith, just let me know what's going on." "No Cynthia, no." "I'm not afraid Charlie." she looked down at the chair. "Well, ok, I am afraid." Cynthia swallowed. "But I am willing to face... Sign in to see full entry.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
8b - Frozen
Cynthia sat back down, and ran her hand across the page. "I think you just want to go home. Well this is my home." "And I'd be willing to stay, but it is God awful dark here." "That‘s true enough." She traced a line on the paper, and saw how the place names were more exotic the further she went.... Sign in to see full entry.
Monday, May 7, 2012
8a - Frozen
At City Library, Cynthia opened a large atlas, and Charlie spun a globe of the world had he put on the table. "It looks like about two thousand miles." Cynthia held her finger to the map key, and then measured across the page. "Where?" Charlie scooted the lantern closer to her book. "From the UK to... Sign in to see full entry.