Bumpy Road of an Unconventional Christian for Monday, March 17, 2003

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Monday, March 17, 2003

Today I spent most of the day running around

and I lost my organizer. I have become very attached to it. It helps me figure out what to do next. But I put it down and I don't know where. Since I have such a hard time remembering anything--it was a great help. I thought i'd be okay as long as I put it in my purse--but I must have left with it... Sign in to see full entry.

Today is sunny and I'm in a better mood.

The sunshine will probably only last an hour. Yesterday we had nothing but rain and sun and rain and sun all day long. This is how it is during March and April. I don't know why my moods are dependent on the weather. A friend asked me if she could do a Bible Study with me and my husband said that I... Sign in to see full entry.

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