Member Profile for RavenDarke


 See my "About Me" page

Member Since:

May 20, 2003
Contact: Send E-mail
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and referral bonuses)
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Darke Musings - Feb 8, 2010
Bombast and BS - The answer to America's economic malaise is obvious. We...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 1675

Darke Opinions - Feb 8, 2010
Mommy, it didn't trickle down like they promised! - The handwriting is on...
Opinion - Popularity rank: 1676

Darke Passions - Jan 7, 2010
Blood Sacrifice Part One Redeux - Blood Sacrifice Part One Redeux I could...
Relationships - Popularity rank: 1740

Darke Politricks - Mar 25, 2005
Indict Karl Rove - Karl Rove manipulates everything he touches. This is not...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 5443

Darke Prose - Nov 27, 2004
twist the ring and hear me whimper - The Wedding March shall usher them in...
Poetry - Popularity rank: 5558

Darke Faith - Nov 14, 2004
I am Shiva, Destroyer of Worlds - Jesus Christ, Jesus, Jesus oh my Jesus....
Religion & Spirituality - Popularity rank: 5566

Darke Truths - Mar 12, 2004
Dating the Truth - Fair disclosure, the fine art of not lying while going...
Everything Else - Popularity rank: 5785

Darke Riches - Jul 9, 2003
So you want to be Rich? - So you want to have it all. You have stumbled onto...
Business & Investing - Popularity rank: 5868