Comments on Shrillary Compares Herself to Rocky?

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Re: Psst!
Ooops . . .   But seriously, do not all of us have bias, one way or another, in discussing issues?

posted by WriterofLight on April 3, 2008 at 8:02 PM | link to this | reply

Your bias is showing. It basically steals all the attention your views might deserve if issues were what you wanted to discuss.

posted by Halfelven on April 3, 2008 at 12:54 PM | link to this | reply

fantasy compared to fantasy i don;t see the problem :)

posted by thecryptkeeper on April 3, 2008 at 12:01 PM | link to this | reply

“Evil Genius?”

So Is McCain!!!

Leon A. Walker

March 21, 2008

Freelance Writer


“Evil Genius?”

The Republican Party has me absolutely paralyzed with confusion.  Perhaps being a lifelong Democrat I am just simply not supposed to understand.

Being a supporter if Senator Obama I will not cheapen his accedemic accomplishments by making comparisons to those of our current President or his probable future opponnent, Senator John McCain.  That would simply be unfair.  This all came to mind for me as I recently watched a TV biography of Mr. McCain’s life.  The college years I found more than slightly humorous, but also strikingly similar to the college story of George W. Bush.  Seemingly both men were accedemically, well… challenged.        

Amid the news clips of preachers, passports and prostitutes this week, there was also Senator McCain stumbling through diplomatic misstatements with repeated and consistent ineptitude.  There are those who are suggesting that this was contrived.  I almost bit on that, until his “Halloween” comment in Israel.  That was the clincher! So as we approach the stretch in the run for the White House, the pride of the Republican Party is providing a telling glimpse ahead. 

Again, I don’t claim to get it, but let me attempt to explain what has me scratching my head.  What I see is the Republican party polishing their strategy and preparing for what they hope will be a hard fought contest in November.  This, while Senator McCain repeatedly makes an international fool of himself.  With an opportunity to look “Presidential” on the world stage, he is singularly cultivating the image of a nervous unprepared student who is unexpectedly called upon to answer a question in class.  Then there is poor Joe Lieberman, playing the part of “Monkey In The Middle”.  He is like the symathetic friend who finally whispers the correct answer, unable to see his friend suffer in embarassed confusion any longer.  Most of the time Senator McCain looks like he could use a nap.  Campaigning at this level must certainly be absolutely grueling, and the final contest has yet to begin.  At this rate, come November, they will probably have take his straight jacket off just before they drag him out in front of a microphone to utter a few slobbering syllables.

I don’t have anything against Senator McCain, and given he is an old sailor like me, I can stomach him better than most (dare I say “typical”) Republicans.  I’m actually starting to feel some measure of sympathy for the man.  As in truth, I predict that he will ultimately face Senator Obama, and that he will lose by the greatest margin in history.  Remember you heard it here first.      

Truthfully however, I am genuinely haunted by the following core questions.  How does the primary process let this happen?  Is this a smoke screen of sorts or is this really the best that the Republicans have to offer?  Has the Republican Party become a cheap seedy Oriental Resturant where the only entrée on the menu is “somedumbguy”?  Is there a secret Republican Party “Affirmative Action Program” ongoing that provides for letting the stupidest politician among them represent their party from time to time? 

If it were not for the primary elections process I would be envisioning the Republican Party leadership with their ties loosened, drunk out of their skulls in some hotel suite.  Then, someone in their group piping up and saying: “let’s give it to McCain” and they all roar in uncontrollable laughter.  Then someone says: “Remember Bush?” and they all drop to their knees and roll on the floor, howling and gasping in breathless hysterics.    

Perhaps it possible that the power brokers are intentionally financing and positioning their candidates on the basis of control and future influence?  Is it possible that such intellectually and cognitively challenged persons are more easily controlled and manipulated by the Republican Party and its power brokers should they reach the White House?  Can it really be that simplistic? 

I don’t get it and I am convinced that I am not supposed to.  But am I the only person who is seeing this?  Is this just simply my illusion? 

Or is it Republican “evil genius”?

L. A. Walker

© Leon A. Walker, March  2008

posted by leonwalker on April 2, 2008 at 3:22 AM | link to this | reply