By freerain
Child Abuse: Dead-Beat Dad
Child Abuse: Devil, Demons and Ghosts
Child Abuse: Mental Abuse and Mutilation
Child Abuse: Murder and Malice
Child Abuse: The Cry of Innocent Children
Congregation: Christian Soldier
Congregation: Passive Malice
Congregation: The Christian Supremacist
Congregation: The Final Solution
Courage to say Yes, to Life
Foundation of Fear: Fear Mongers
Foundation of Fear: Lost Freedom
Foundation of Fear: Sin, Shame and Guilt
Immorality of Christianity: Introduction
Misogny: Servitude, Slavery, Incest, Pimping, Rape
Misogny: Silent Condemnation
Misogny: The Perversion of Woman's Nature
Myth of Perfection: Gospel of Insanity
Myth of Perfection: Sin Nature
Priest and Prophets: Unbridled Arrogance
Priests & Prophets: Modernday Ministers of Immoral
Priests and Prophets: Creators of Fear & Superstit
Priests and Prophets: Fear-based Messages
Revolution: Birthright
Revolution: Final Battle Ground