About zarrothepaun

 See my Member Profile


United States
Primary occupation:
Dream occupation:
Schools attended:
elementary and a year and a half of Junior High
I like:
Grapes, cantelope, bananas, and nuts mixed up in whip cream.
Favorite writers:
I like most writers, most people have a story to tell.
Favorite books:
least favorite is Clinton's My Lie, Whoops, left out the "f". What a liar, even worse that Hilery. I'd like to ask them about the elusive White Water papers and that attorney of theirs, Foster.
Favorite newspapers:
Mostly senstaionalized bullshit
Favorite magazines:
Mostly senstaionalized bullshit
Favorite music:
I'd rather listed to a vacuum cleaner; a sqeeking, rattling car; or the thundering of a motorcycle.
Favorite movies:
I like almost all movies, just like books they all have a story to tell.
Favorite TV shows:
I won't watch anything with commercials.
Favorite teams:
Green Bay Packers, I wont watch BB or BB since the greedy owner/palyers strikes.
Favorite quote:
You will become as great as your dominant aspirations or as small as your controlling desires.
Burning Bush