About witterbug

 See my Member Profile


Primary occupation:
Dream occupation:
tea drinker and tumbleweed watcher
sonoma county, CA, now reside in beantown
I like:
tea, tumbleweed
Favorite writers:
ayn rand, edward abbey, somerset maugham, guy de maupassant
Favorite books:
atlas shrugged, desert solitaire, human bondage, the kin of ata are waiting for you, the dictionary
Favorite magazines:
hands down national geographics and, yes, people (its like the comfort food of literature)
Favorite music:
robert cray, grateful dead, kelly joe phelps, dead can dance
Favorite TV shows:
think outside the box, but if you can't, watch seinfeld or nigella bites
Favorite teams:
as far as I'm concerned, the redsox are a hockey team
Favorite quote:
yogi tea bag quote: bliss is a constant state of mind, undisturbed by gain or loss.