About tornadogirl

 See my Member Profile

I'm a frustrated writer who can't finish a book, a short story, or even a poem, but maybe I can post a blog now and then.  I know, the world probably doesn't need more amateur pontificators, but what's one more bag of wind?  At any rate, I like free-thinkers, new ideas, the proletariat, and have had enough of evangelical republicans, pro-war propaganda, Ken Lay and his ilk, and inane constitutional amendments.  To hell with the chief!


United States
Dream occupation:
professional blogger
small town east texas
Schools attended:
small town east texas high school, University of Texas, Texas State University (used to be Southwest Texas State)
I like:
smart people, free press (where can we get one?), dark chocolate, and good red wine
Favorite newspapers:
New York Times
Favorite magazines:
I'm between favorite magazines right now.
Favorite music:
Favorite TV shows:
Six Feet Under
Favorite quote:
The truth will make you free, but it won't always make you popular--tornadogirl
zen unitarian