About string

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Middle aged Englishman, passionate about writing, travel, football (the real sort with a round ball) and real ale.   
United Kingdom
Primary occupation:
International Haulage
Dream occupation:
Travel Writer
Schools attended:
The Harwich School
I like:
Travelling with Ola, my partner.
Favorite writers:
Chris Stewart, Bill Bryson, John le Carre, Sandor Marai
Favorite books:
Currently reading War & Peace which is fantastic
Favorite newspapers:
The Independent
Favorite magazines:
Variable. Wanderlust is really good. Also music mags like Q, or World Soccer
Favorite music:
Rock music with a bit of an edge to it.
Favorite movies:
Mainly European - Schindler's List and The Pianist are favourites
Favorite TV shows:
Modern history, travel or nature programmes. Also live football of course
Favorite teams:
Chelsea FC and Colchester United FC (my smaller team)
Favorite quote:
Have to come back to that one or I'll be here all night
Er, nah.