About stand-up1

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My name is Stanley Fitzgerald. I was born 51 years ago in Hampton Virginia. I spent my formative and most of my adolescent years in Brooklyn New York. My life until now has been a roller-coaster ride of positives and negatives. (By choices made, mostly negative).
Where others gained their knowledge through educational curriculums of the formal nature. I gained much of my intellect through such mundane pursuits as reading and observation and research.
I have traveled extensively throughout this nation and am not at a loss when it comes to experience.
I have immersed myself in objective observation and subjective education. All to come to this point in my life.
I have led a "checkered" past. All things being equal I could have walked the road most traveled, but I know I would have missed the signposts to truth following lead of those who passed before.
This may be no recommendation to some of you, but know this, knowledge is available to all of us from any direction, and from everyone. Even the fool dispenses knowledge, even if it is to show how not to be one.