About reedmccollum

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Dear Reader,

You're doubtless here because something I said in a blog or a comment intrigued or infuriated you. "Who is this guy?" you're wondering. "Where does he get off?" Well, if you'd really like to know who I am and where I get off, you may email me. I promise, you'll be treated as nicely as you treat me.

Here are a few tips for contacting me:

(1) Be polite.

(2) Spell correctly.

(3) Think logically.

If you can do those things, I'd love to hear from you. However, if you can't be polite, don't expect me to return the favor; if you can't spell correctly, don't expect me to read very much of your email; and if you can't think logically, don't expect me to take you seriously.

Despite those potentially intimidating requests, I'm really a nice guy and would probably enjoy talking with you.

Reed McCollum