About qwertyui

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It appears that I'm supposed to tell the world a little about myself. Hmm. I was born a poor black child on the streets of the Bronx where I sold drugs to prostitutes and pimps for money simply to feed and clothe myself. I became pregnant when I was 12 and I had to have the baby as I was too poor to have an abortion. My mother and father both died in a plane crash and most of the rest of my family is in jail.

Oh WAIT! MYSELF. Oops. Okay, So I'm not black. I'm a pretty tall white guy with all of the built in honkeyness I'm supposed to have. In my spare time I like to put thumbscrews on Michael Moore, and force him to admit that he's a big piece of shit for the occasional hamburger. I live a pretty ordinary life all in all.
United States
Primary occupation:
Man of intrigue
Dream occupation:
Man of intrigue with scads of cash
Never grew up cause I wanted to be a Toys R Us Kid
Schools attended:
Yale, Harvard, Princeton, yeah right.
I like:
to make fun of stupid people.
Favorite writers:
Edgar Poe, Douglas Adams, Carl Sagan
Favorite books:
Any book that inspires me to think in some way I haven't.
Favorite newspapers:
Newspapers are from the devil.
Favorite magazines:
Magazines are from the devil.
Favorite music:
From the devil, but I'd go with Alternative.
Favorite movies:
Falling Down, Fight Club, The Fallen (tiiiimee is on my side)
Favorite TV shows:
Scrubs, Family guy, South Park now and then, most sci-fi.
Favorite teams:
I have a favorite team about as much as I have a favorite place to cut myself
Favorite quote:
"Hey!" or maybe "Bye!" or possibly "Fuck off!"
From the devil!