About poet5747

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There is so much to learn while traveling through this life and this world that my entire life has been about discovery.  I enjoy the inward journey as well as the outward journey.  I believe we have been created to accomplish more than we can fathom.  I believe we are capable of things only dreamed of by science fiction writers, and then some they haven't dreamed of yet, as well.  Our capacity is so much greater than we use.  "Greatness" for me is not defined by worldly wealth, nor by accomplishment, but by the way our lives touch the living beings in this world and the connection we have to a God of both love and discipline.

Because of that view, I believe in choice, and that most things happening to us in life are the result of our own choices.  There are very few things which occur over which we do not have choice.  We cannot choose the length of life for ourselves or anyone else.  We can choose how we will deal with the loss of one we love.  I learned this lesson the hard way, and by making choices which were not the best.  Others cannot hurt us, unless we allow them to.  (I'm talking about emotional hurt.)  We can do everything possible to protect ourselves from harm, but I know sometimes harm comes and this is not a choice...but the choice is how to cope with the results.  As we choose, we learn.  Life is a lesson book.  I've been studying that book for a lot of years and I hope I can share some of my lessons in poetic form.

United States
Primary occupation:
Dream occupation:
Stockton, California
Schools attended:
Too many to list
I like:
poetry, writing, reading, visiting with friends, chocolate, crafts, and on and on
Favorite writers:
John Steinbeck, Jack London, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Edgar Allen Poe, Emily Dickinson
Favorite books:
Grapes of Wrath, To Kill a Mocking Bird, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Favorite newspapers:
I read my local papers
Favorite magazines:
Guideposts, Mayo Clinic Women's Newsletter
Favorite music:
Classical, Jazz, Blues, Rock'n Roll, Country Western, instrumentalists
Favorite movies:
I live a long way from a theater so I rarely go.
Favorite TV shows:
Cold Case Files, CSI,NCIS
Favorite teams:
Not a sports fan
Favorite quote:
Wisdom is smoke in the wind unless you inhale it....Dolores Nowak-Akey
Protestant non-denom