About pkcricket

 See my Member Profile

Picture of pkcricket Picture of pkcricket
I am....I don't know.  Ecclectic?  I enjoy just about anything that comes naturally - the sun, the breeze, the moon, a smile, a flower.  I love color!  I am a Christian, passionately in love with Jesus Christ, and I'm planning one going into the mission field.  God has given me a distinct love for languages and verbal expression.  I have been writing poetry since I was 11 yrs old, and often go by my poet name "Cricket."  Feel free to call me that, it's a lot easier to recognize than "Sarah."  God bless ya!
United States
Primary occupation:
Student/Bank Teller
Dream occupation:
Fairfield, OH
Schools attended:
Fairfield High School/Temple Baptist College/Miami U-Hamilton
I like:
a lot of stuff
Favorite writers:
I could no sooner pic a favorite star in the heavens...although, I like Sirius a whole lot. :)
Favorite books:
anything with a cover and and end
Favorite newspapers:
Favorite magazines:
Favorite music:
I enjoy just about every style of music except country
Favorite movies:
Favorite TV shows:
Gilmore Girls, LOST, Supernatural, Without a Trace
Favorite teams:
Favorite quote:
I'm a Pepper, You're a Pepper, She's a Pepper, He's a Pepper!