About neamer

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Picture of neamer



He has French Fried friendships

And writes poems without stanzas

He lives the worst of nightmare trips

He listens for the music of mad dancers


He goes on unnamed streets and boulevards

He travels light and seldom bites

He moves easy and stays out of strange backyards

He lights candles then gets out of sight


Everyone he comes across is always lost

And there’s all those ships passing in the night

Without trying, he gathers no moss

He stays loose when others are quite uptight


Memories and dreams have been surrendered

Honor and grace he can no longer find

Wondering why he still seeks the tired and tender

He hopes at least they will say that he was kind.

4/7/02                                                      Desperado


United States
Primary occupation:
Bad Poet
Dream occupation:
Bad Poet
West Orange, New Jersey
Schools attended:
St John's, Essex Catholic, Seton Hall U., Berkeley Ca., Central Mich. U., Santa Rita Prison Farm (Things don't always work out for me)
I like:
Bible Studies, Writing, Reading, Serving, Dogs, Children, NY Yankees, and tripping over myself.
Favorite writers:
Dickings, Merton, Nouwan, Piper, Yancey, Aquaintas, Agustine, St. Francis, Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, Francis Thompson, Jack London, Arthur C.Clark and Geronimo
Favorite books:
The Bible, Return of The Prodigal Son, by Henri' Nouwan, Seven Story Mountain by Thomas Merton, What's so Amazing About Grace? By Philip Yancey and Lost Horizon, by John Hilton.
Favorite newspapers:
None of the Liberal Rags
Favorite magazines:
Christianity Today, Popular Science, NewsMax, and Birdwatch
Favorite music:
Ray Charles, Bob Dylan, Rolling Stones, Blind Boys of Alabama, Country Joe and The Fish, Jonny Cash, U2 and Leadbelly
Favorite movies:
Repo Man, Heaven Help Us, A New Leaf, Last House on The Left, Nomads, The Good , The Bad and The Ugly. Casablanca,Pulp Fiction and The Passion of The Christ.
Favorite TV shows:
Steinfield, Honey Mooners, Star Trek Voyager, Cold Case Files, Without a Trace and Fox News
Favorite teams:
New York Yankees
Favorite quote:
"Do Not Worry" Matthew 6:25