About marriah

 See my Member Profile

First and foremost, I am a philosopher. This means that, at heart, I am a scientist, and I wish to know truth. I like ideas and knowledge for their own sake. I glean principles from knowledge as I seek truth. But, a philosopher seeks to apply those principles to the rest of the world, and to live by them. A philosopher seeks the good life. A philosopher seeks to make the world more just. 

Thus, I try to approach the world by writing about it in as unbiased a manner as possible, to get at what is really going on. But, once I understand the dynamics - the patterns and the elements of life - I am quite intent on using all my resources on Earth during my life to implement utopia. All the elements you see below are devoted to exploration (traveling), exposition (essays), and construction (social connections).

United States
Primary occupation:
Graduate student
Dream occupation:
Tucson, AZ
Schools attended:
Amphitheater High School, Harvard University, City University of NY
I like:
philosophy, politics, music, movies
Favorite writers:
Favorite books:
anything on science
Favorite newspapers:
New York Times
Favorite magazines:
Atlantic Monthly
Favorite music:
Favorite movies:
Favorite TV shows:
Ally McBeal
Favorite teams:
Arizona Diamondbacks
Favorite quote:
"The difference between the scientist and the engineer is that the former seeks what is True, the latter what is Good." - John Horgan, The End of science.
my own