About jesusfreakdotcom

 See my Member Profile

As of this writing, I'm working full-time as a newspaper copy editor but am making strides toward going into full-time ministry hopefully by mid-2006. It's my goal as a writer to dispel the notion that Christianity is this smarmy, feel-good, everything-is-love, to-hell-with-nonbelievers mentality that far too many non-Christians (and an unfortunate number of Christians) seem to embrace. I hope that my writings will jar people to think about Christianity and Christ in ways maybe they've never thought of before--and to prove that becoming a Christian is not intellectual suicide.
United States
Primary occupation:
Newspaper copy editor; studying to be a pastor
Dream occupation:
I'm in mine right now :-)
Pick a state, any state
I like:
coffee, and lots of it
Favorite writers:
C.S. Lewis; Bob Woodward; Francis Schaeffer
Favorite books:
Mere Christianity; The God Who Is There; Fahrenheit 451; The Strange Case of Richard Milhous Nixon
Favorite newspapers:
Chicago Tribune
Favorite music:
Christian rock/metal
Favorite movies:
Favorite TV shows:
I blew up my TV with plastic explosives and sent a video of the event to networks as a proposal for a reality show
Favorite teams:
anyone but the Lakers
Favorite quote:
"If the universe is so bad...how on earth did human beings ever come to attribute it to the activity of a wise and good Creator?"--C.S. Lewis