About jammylu

 See my Member Profile

You may say I'm an idealist.  I always want to see things in their proper perspective.  I hate noise and chaos.  As a Libran, I want to be surrounded by beautiful things, not necessarily expensive.  I love nature, I enjoy seeing the sunset, I love the sound of the water kissing the beach.  Ok, you may call me a hopeless romantic.

I have worked in the corporate world for 25 years and finally decided it's not the life for me.  Now, I want to do the things I love:  writing, gardening, keeping my house in tip top shape, enjoying the simpler things in life.  Being alone in life, I find joy being with my nieces and nephews, and giving in to their whims (but not everytime).  I treasure my friends as well.  They help me keep my feet rooted to the ground.

I hope to be known as a writer of life, writing about things some people would be scared to talk about (I once had the same fear).  Writing is my medium to express my inner emotions.  It is theraputic for me.  Hope we can be friends.



Dream occupation:
to be a great writer
Schools attended:
University of the East, De la Salle University
I like:
flowering plants, sunsets, walks at the beach, star gazing
Favorite writers:
Cohello, Mitch Albom
Favorite books:
Tuesdays With Morrie, The Alchemist
Favorite newspapers:
New York Times
Favorite magazines:
The Economist
Favorite music:
Favorite movies:
Out of Africa, Fiddler on the Roof, The Bucket List, Schindler's List
Favorite TV shows:
National Geographic
Favorite quote:
To err is human, to forgive divine.
Roman Catholic